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Adam Schmideg20:08:45

Hey, I’d like to try Biff but I immediately fail after the install. I run ./task dev and it says

[main] WARN xtdb.cache - Could not open ConcurrentHashMap.table field - falling back to LRU caching. Use `--add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED` to use the second-chance cache.
WARNING: /usr/local/Cellar/openjdk/18.0.2/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java is loading libcrypto in an unsafe way

rlwrap: warning: clojure crashed, killed by SIGABRT.
The same thing happens if I clone the repo.

Jacob O'Bryant20:08:00

I think I vaguely remember someone getting a similar error a while ago. I can dig into this later when I'm at my desk, but in the mean time a couple things to try: • add :biff.xtdb/kv-store :lmdb to the config.edn file (in either the :prod or the :dev section, doesn't matter) • try running it on jdk 11 those are just random things to try. not sure what the underlying issue is, but I'm guessing it's related to xtdb. do you get a stack trace anywhere? (saved in a file perhaps?)

Adam Schmideg20:08:05

Thanks for looking into it. • adding :biff.xtdb/kv-store :lmdb didn’t help • no stacktrace, at least not in the current folder or in /var/log • jdk 11? that’s kinda old but I’m giving it a try

Jacob O'Bryant20:08:57

jdk 11's just what I happen to test on :). what kind of machine are you on? (m1 Mac?) I'll look up that libcrypto message later and see if anything turns up.

Jacob O'Bryant21:08:16

there's a an old slack conversation here where someone says that you can get around it by setting a couple env vars:


[main] WARN xtdb.cache - Could not open ConcurrentHashMap.table field - falling back to LRU caching. Use `--add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED` to use the second-chance cache.
I get the above warning too when running ./task dev yet it does not prevent Biff or xtdb from running. I suspect the loading libcrypto in an unsafe way warning is the problem? Perhaps openssl needs to be upgraded if you've recently upgraded OpenJDK to version 18.0.2

Jacob O'Bryant22:08:57

Yeah, I've been getting the cache warning too