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Markus Hain06:04:16

I’m in a similar situation where I’m deciding between Fulcro and Biff. My UI wouldn’t be that complex but I could reasonably put the data for each user in a DataScript database, allowing for snappy offline interactions. Potentially even with end-to-end encryption. This sounds great from a privacy and security standpoint but it would be more complex (although I could heavily limit the JS libraries I use to minimize it) and I would need to do most things in the limited browser environment instead of a server. I’m not completely sure what to pick but starting out with Biff and transitioning to a more ClojureScript focused application if I manage to get some actual users and I still want to focus on better privacy, seems reasonable.

Jacob O'Bryant08:04:07

> I’m not completely sure what to pick but starting out with Biff and transitioning to a more ClojureScript focused application if I manage to get some actual users and I still want to focus on better privacy, seems reasonable. Sounds like a good plan to me 🙂. In general this is one of the main situations I've envisioned Biff being useful for--you can use Biff to build out an MVP/simplest-thing-that-works quickly, then after you're growing you can decide whether to stick with Biff or switch to something else. For what it's worth re: Fulcro, my impression from using it a couple years ago was that it seemed like a much better fit for large apps/large teams than for a solo developer. (i.e. better for taming the complexity of a large code base than for getting something off the ground quickly). Even after 6 weeks of using it for my full-time thing (this was... 3 pivots before my current business), with many hours of reading the docs and source code, I still didn't have a working mental model for it, which made writing UI code a constant source of difficulty, even for (what I thought should be) simple things. My experience with Fulcro was a small part of what motivated me to make Biff a few months later. YMMV of course, and I'm sure it's changed a lot in the past two years! Don't quote me on this, don't want to sound like I'm bashing other frameworks 😉


I watched your video now. It looks promising!

🙂 1
Jacob O'Bryant18:04:33

of course Reddit goes down right before I try to post to r/clojure

Steven Deobald19:04:01

I've started mentally backronym'ing "batteries-included web framework" to biwf instead of biff. Byewf.

Jacob O'Bryant19:04:51

haha, the possibilities are endless


batteries included fun framework.

Steven Deobald21:04:37

batteries included fn framework.

Steven Deobald21:04:42

(I'll get my hat.)

Jacob O'Bryant22:04:03

I'm having deja vu, we definitely have had this exact conversation before