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Hello Friends, I have an issue running the clojure shell when deployed as a jar file. The code I am running is very simple.

(ns tstsh.shtst
  (:require [ :refer [sh]]))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println (:out (sh "ls"))))
When I run this in REPL I get the expected output. However when I build the this simple code into a jar, the code execution hangs after printing out the results of ls. I've tried to omit the shell command and run just a simple println string, in which case the jar executes as expected. Has anyone expected this before? Why does this happen? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!


There is probably a pending thread. You can add (shutdown-agents) after the println.


thanks! let me try that!


If you want to force the termination of the program despite pending threads you can use (System/exit 0)


(shutdown-agents) worked just fine many thanks


(though I'd use the return code of ls as return code of your program in this case)

Hoon Wee07:05:49

Hello folks, I am curious what's the difference between these two methods of accessing nested map fields:

(def simple-map {:hello {:world "Hoon"}})

;; Method one, using threading macro (->)
(-> simple-map :hello :world)

;; Method two, using `get-in`
(get-in simple-map [:hello :world])


Most of the time there's no appreciable difference.

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For one, a get-in into a nested map is easier to read, imo. Afaik, both are linear time O(n), but in different ways: ā€¢ -> O(n) n number of forms (expansion time) ā€¢ get-in Both select-keys and get-in have linear behavior in the number of selection keys. If you need to select a huge number of keys from an even larger map, you might consider the option of dissoc the unwanted keys instead of selecting the wanted ones. Ref. Clojure the Essential Reference

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Hoon Wee08:05:42

I see, thanks!


If some of your keys are not executable as functions (for example a string) then the get-in form will be easier to work with.

ā˜ļø 1

In a hot loop, and depending on what's in the vector, the get-in technique might be slower. If the vector isn't a constant literal, your program has to allocate it and populate it and garbage-collect it. And in any case, get-in has to traverse the vector and do what your threading form does. In short, get-in is a wondrous tool but if you don't need that tool's killer feature (which is the vector) then get-in is a luxury.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)12:05:35

get-in is usually much slower, but has the benefit of being able to use a dynamic key set at runtime

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Alex Miller (Clojure team)12:05:30

The -> expansion happens once at compile time whereas get-in work happens on every execution

Leo E15:05:49

@U072P0JLYP2 Often you need to destruct n keys from each level, not only one and in this case can use this approach instead

(let [{:keys [payload meta] event}
      {:keys [key1 key2] payload}])

Hoon Wee09:05:09

@U0P0TMEFJ I see... I wonder what would be the case for using functions map keys?

Hoon Wee09:05:57

@U0HG4EHMH @U064X3EF3 So to summarize, I should use the -> most of the time except when there is a need to use get-in's superpower, I presume


> I wonder what would be the case for using functions map keys? I didn't mean using literal functions as keys. Keywords like :hello and :world are executable as functions, that's how the thread-first macro -> works. It passes the result down the chain as the first argument to each function, it's not just for accessing data from a map. So (-> simple-map :hello :world) will macro expand to (:world (:hello simple-map)), before it is complied. That's one reason it's faster. But it also means that if the keys are strings or numbers (which are not functions) then that trick won't work.

(-> {"hello" "world"} "hello")
will only give you an error
class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.IFn
. Make sense?

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Hoon Wee00:05:04

Aha, got it! Thanks a million šŸ’µ

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