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Hi, I have a question around working with lazy seqs. I am using the clojure/data.csv library which talks about laziness and the ability to work with large files because of this.
In my code I am reading a csv, using map
to update / transform data and eventually writing the rows back into a new csv.
In addition, I want to parse each row and add another row to the seq based on the existence of a non-null value.
For example my input.csv
id, price, discount
1, 10, 5
2, 20, null
The output.csv would be
id, type, value
1, 'total', 10
1, 'discount', 5
2, 'total', 20
In this example the discount column is parsed and a new row is created with the same id
This is the code I have that works, however, I use reduce
which I do not believe is lazy:
(defn add-discount-rows
(reduce (fn [acc row]
(if contains-and-not-empty? row :discount)
(conj acc row (create-discount-row row))
(conj acc row)))
*contains-and-not-empty? is a custom fn that checks for the existence of the column, and ensures it is not null and not an empty string
A couple of questions:
1. Am I correct in assuming reduce is not lazy?
2. How can I go about making this lazy or is there a better approach to this?
a. I do not need these rows to be in order and they can be 2 separate seqs. The only requirement is that all rows are written to the csvHere is a shortened example of code that composes the functionality together:
(defn run
[input output]
(with-open [reader (io/reader input)
writer (io/writer output)]
(->> (csv/read-csv reader)
(csv/write-csv writer))))
Maybe mapcat
would work here? Your mapping function would take a row and emit a sequence of one or more rows that then get concatenated at the end
cool ill check that out
Thanks @U04RG9F8UJZ that seems to have worked out! I updated the code to the following:
(defn add-discount-rows
(mapcat (fn [row]
(if (contains-and-not-empty? row :discount)
(list row (create-discount-row row))
(list row)))
I was reading some stuff about Babashka and saw mention that it's normal to use require
in scripts to pull in useful namespaces. I've also heard in "standard" Clojure, you'd only really use the :require
directive of the ns
macro to do the same.
Is there a reason to not use the require
function in my Clojure ns
? Can bad things happen?
nothing bad will happen
the benefit of putting it in ns is lots of tools use that to understand what you depend on
For these reasons you'll most frequently see require
in quick one-off, single-file scripts, and :require
in more robust babashka projects
I see. So it's about discoverability, but semantically they're the same. I can certainly imagine the headache of require
s strewn around a large source file
on jvm clojure require is just a normal function you can call anywhere (often leading to weird results)
I am not sure if clojurescript even has require? I think it only has the :require directive in ns forms
I am not sure if babashka's require is a function, or it might be a macro or a special form
the ns :require
does literally turn into the same call to require
eventually (in clojure)
I believe clj-kondo understands calls to require though. So at least the most common static analyzer does. @U04V15CAJ to confirm?
Yes, this will have no problems:
(ns scratch)
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(str/join "," [1 2 3])
As long as you use it on the top level and use quoted vectors, it will be treated the same way as within the ns formin a way the ns macro is sugar for (do (in-ns ....) (require ...))
'(ns foo
(:require [clojure.string :as str])))
(clojure.core/in-ns 'foo)
(clojure.core/refer 'clojure.core)
(clojure.core/require '[clojure.string :as str]))
but as everybody said, important sugar since a bunch of tools (like tools.namespace) parse the non expanded formoh yeah, I was referring to Clojure only
Hey team, I am using ManagementFactory
to report some metrics periodically. I am getting warnings like this:
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.InjectedInvoker/0x00000008000ab840 (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.Reflector (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.InjectedInvoker/0x00000008000ab840 (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.Reflector (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.InjectedInvoker/0x00000008000ab840 (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.Reflector (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by clojure.lang.InjectedInvoker/0x00000008000ab840 (file:/Users/stopa/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar) to method
This is the code that is causing it:
(let [memory (ManagementFactory/getMemoryMXBean)
gcs (ManagementFactory/getGarbageCollectorMXBeans)
thread (ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean)
solo-executor (clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor)
pooled-executor (clojure.lang.Agent/pooledExecutor)
metrics (flatten
[{:path "gauges.calculated_at_ms"
:value (System/currentTimeMillis)}
{:path ""
:value (+ (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getInit)
(-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getInit))}
{:path ""
:value (+ (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getUsed)
(-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getUsed))}
{:path ""
:value (+ (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getMax)
(-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getMax))}
{:path ""
:value (+ (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getCommitted)
(-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getCommitted))}
{:path "jvm.memory.heap.init"
:value (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getInit)}
{:path "jvm.memory.heap.used"
:value (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getUsed)}
{:path "jvm.memory.heap.max"
:value (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getMax)}
{:path "jvm.memory.heap.committed"
:value (-> memory .getHeapMemoryUsage .getCommitted)}
{:path "jvm.memory.non-heap.init"
:value (-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getInit)}
{:path "jvm.memory.non-heap.used"
:value (-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getUsed)}
{:path "jvm.memory.non-heap.max"
:value (-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getMax)}
{:path "jvm.memory.non-heap.committed"
:value (-> memory .getNonHeapMemoryUsage .getCommitted)}
(for [gc gcs]
[{:path (str "jvm.gc." (-> gc .getName str/lower-case) ".count")
:value (-> gc .getCollectionCount)}
{:path (str "jvm.gc." (-> gc .getName str/lower-case) ".time")
:value (-> gc .getCollectionTime)}])
{:path "jvm.thread.count"
:value (-> thread .getThreadCount)}
{:path "jvm.thread.daemon.count"
:value (-> thread .getDaemonThreadCount)}
(for [thread-state (Thread$State/values)]
{:path (str "jvm.thread." (-> thread-state str str/lower-case) ".count")
:value (count
(filter #(and % (= thread-state (.getThreadState %)))
(.getThreadInfo thread
(-> thread .getAllThreadIds))))})
(for [[executor description]
[[solo-executor "agent-pool.send-off"]
[pooled-executor "agent-pool.send"]]]
[{:path (str "jvm." description ".queue-depth")
:value (-> executor .getQueue .size)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".active")
:value (.getActiveCount executor)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".tasks")
:value (.getTaskCount executor)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".completed-tasks")
:value (.getCompletedTaskCount executor)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".size")
:value (.getPoolSize executor)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".core-size")
:value (.getCorePoolSize executor)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".largest-size")
:value (.getLargestPoolSize executor)}
{:path (str "jvm." description ".maximum-size")
:value (.getMaximumPoolSize executor)}])])]
(into {} (map (juxt :path :value) metrics)))
I originally got this form . Looking around I see that this may be because java has changed it's internal api, since the code was first written.
Is there a resource I can look at, to fix the warning?Bam
(for [^GarbageCollectorMXBean gc gcs]
[{:path (str "jvm.gc." (-> gc .getName str/lower-case) ".count")
:value (-> gc .getCollectionCount)}
{:path (str "jvm.gc." (-> gc .getName str/lower-case) ".time")
:value (-> gc .getCollectionTime)}])
Did the trick. Thanks @U0NCTKEV8!