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Hi there! 🙂 How do I get the SHA of this GitHub project? {:git/sha "<PUT-LATEST-SHA-HERE>"} Thanks!

Sam Ferrell15:03:22 on the right hand side of each commit is a button to copy the SHA for that commit


Thank you!! 🙂 I was searching for it all day.

Eduardo Pereira17:03:30

hey guys, i am looking for directions. I made a tool in python so i could consume some APIs and merge that data locally. How could i go about doing it in clojure? Is there a "standard" way of doing it?

Bob B17:03:52

At that level of abstraction, you'd do the same thing (consume some APIs and merge the data locally). Clojure has merge which will merge maps together, so if the consumption steps return maps, then merging those return values might do exactly what you want

Sam Ferrell17:03:43

not sure what the question is asking. something like making a script to call out to some web APIs?


I recently used Martian to pull data from a json-based API for a similar purpose. It's a beautiful tool!

👍 2
Eduardo Pereira17:03:28

yes. thats what i want to do. NCBI ( has an xml-based API. I want to pull data from it, parse the xml response and store in a local mongodb instance. I was wondering whats the best set of libs for this type of task.


Hi! How can I disable the error tooltip that appears when I hover with the mouse? Furthermore, when I start repl, kinda documentation is displayed on hover, but it is very slow and ugly. I want the errors/warnings to be displayed when I move with the cursor but on the right side.


The error diagnostic and tool tip are features of Clojure LSP. Disable the docs popups (hover) using the LSP variables for Emacs

(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable nil)
Take a look at the feature guide and disable / enable your preferred configuration.


Thanks for the reply! Yep, I disabled it but I encountered a problem I posted on ClojureVerse:


#CH3TFDR6C or #CFN4QDHPS channels should have some advice, although I believe the recommendation is to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and install Leiningen or Clojure CLI there.