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What archiving formats are supported by Clojure/Java without external libraries? I've found, but are there any others? Compression is not important, but I need to pack multiple files into one, in a format that I can later unpack on a mobile device (not necessarily Java)


I'm consuming a REST API using iteration ( This works great, and making HTTP requests with pmap is super fast. However, it does not allow me fine-grained control to deal with rate limiting. What are some common approaches to gaining more fine-grained control of how many requests are made in parallel, how many requests are made per minute, etc.? I suspect I'll need to use something in core.async and/or maybe Agents?


For parallelism, a semaphore might be enough. For rate limiting, something like perhaps

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core.async combined with synchronous HTTP, leveraging backpressure to throttle a big ETL job: I stopped shy of dynamically tuning the system, by adding/removing workers on the fly, because it was quick work to look the metrics and manually tune for the invariant workload at hand, but self-throttling was a logical next step. hth!

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Nice, thanks, guys! I'll also cross-post that to #C067P1HL2F6

respatialized16:01:03 I've used fixed-size threadpools with Claypoole for this exact type of problem, and it typically works very well, but it won't let you control the rate of requests per minute directly.

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