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### Handling uuids / coercsions in general Context: Throughout my system I try to make it so all uuids are java.util.UUIDs. At the boundaries though I receive a bunch of nested json. I can't do a simple "convert these keys to UUIDs", as some structures come in as arrays. How do you handle this kind of coercion? I could just postwalk and parse-uuid if I can, but I wonder if there's something better. What do you do to coerce data at the boundaries?

Bob B16:08:27

This might not be directly applicable because the boundaries might be outside the sphere of influence, so take as little or as much from this as works for you but the nature of the context statement sounds very much like some of the rationale behind edn, e.g. "I have these UUIDs, but they're transmitted as strings because there's no way to indicate it's a UUID to a parser".

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Ben Sless20:08:00

Malli ❤️

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How do I combine window buffers in EMACS (with Cider) so I have 2 vertically split screens ? I only know how to switch between them individually, but I don't know how to put 2 window buffers side by side. I'm trying to have a text buffer on the left side and the CIDER REPL on the right side.


Do you mean emacs windows (where emacs itself is split to display multiple buffers) or windows in your gui (what emacs calls frames)


C-x 3 will split emacs into two vertical windows (emacs windows, not gui windows)

❤️ 2

worked ! thanks you !! =D !!


I think C-x o will cycle between them (I do it by muscle memory, and not at my keyboard to check)

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There is an #C099W16KZ too

emacs-spin 6
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ty for letting me know about the Emacs channel !! im super new to programming in General and that Emacs channel is def. gonna come in handy !!! i appreciate it !!! =D