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Hi everyone, I'm creating a very basic notes app in clojurescript. Here's details about my db, view and events files I'm facing a weird issue where if i call (event/remove-element 2) directly in REPL then in browser I can see the note with id 2 getting removed but if I do it using a button from view then it doesn't work. 1. I ran individual lines from remove-element in REPL and it works 2. The console log files from both button on-click function and remove-element function are printed so they are getting called Any ideas why it is not working when I'm trying using html button click listener?


Is the id what you expect when you click the button?


Yes @U018D6NKRA4, I have initial data with simple id (1,2,3) and user generated ids (uuid) For either of them, if I use ‘remove-element’ in REPL it works and using button it doesn’t work


Turned out be a silly miss. I was getting string from html property and it failed equality check with number.

👍 2