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Is it poor form to re-assign the value of a binding in a let form? Like (let [x y x (foo z x)] ...)


I would say that the names we assign to our values are important. If you name the first binding of x well, then I have a better understanding of what was passed to foo and, therefore, a better understanding of what the calculation of the second x means. I think this goes beyond "reusing symbols" in a let binding and on to the philosophy that "every poorly named symbol is a missed opportunity for good semantics and effective communication".

💯 4
Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:06:54

if you're taking x through a series of transformations, then maybe a thread form makes more sense


I don't currently use a form like this, but I've seen it in the wild. A thread form is what I use but sometimes I need to switch the position. I suppose that's what as-> is for.


as-> is great inside -> pipelines since it lets you assign a temporary name to the threaded value and use it in an expression but, in general, I'd follow Sierra's "Do's and Don'ts" and not mix threading macros -- use local bindings instead to make it clearer what you're doing.


Say you have a list of things and you transform them using ->>. Then you want to do something like call set/join on the result. I don't think there is much value in making up a new name to distinguish the joined and pre-joined list.


You are completely right. There can be trivial steps in the process of a calculation which don't merit naming. It comes down to a judgement call for what situations are worthy of adding more names.


That's why I said "in general". Sometimes the code is more readable if you "break the rules".


I rebind names in let... but I always stop and think whether threading or using primes on names might make things more readable (e.g., (let [x y x' (foo z x)] ...)) -- and also whether it's important to deliberately hide x so it can't be accidentally used in subsequent code... the prime-suffix case, both x and x' are available in the body of the let -- would using x instead of x' be an error? Then shadow/hide x so that can't happen.


Hmm, that's an interesting case. I guess it can be used to "hide" things for safety.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:06:35

if the transformation is chunky, sometimes it's also a good sign to make a function out of it, which also makes it more amenable to the thread macro

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:06:45

(and easier to test etc)


Makes sense. You could take out an extra step or two from them original transformation and make a function out of it. Then you need to make up another name though.


Coming up with a good name for some step or two in a transformation can be hard. I feel like names have a cost that's hard to quantify.


Have you read "Elements of Clojure"? It has a whole chapter on naming...


Oh yeah, I have that chapter bookmarked. Great stuff. I followed some of the other texts it mentions. It's a deep topic. Haven't read the rest of the book though. I probably should based on how good that chapter is.


Yeah, lots of great stuff in the other chapters.


Ok, thanks all!


reading the source of clojure's built-in macros (like defn or ns) my resistance to this pattern has gotten way lower