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Hi! I am trying to use the re-com
library for a single-dropdown
component. I added it to the dependencies and the code compiles fine, but if I use the single-dropdown
component in my main component, it simply does not render anything anymore, without issuing an error or something of the like.
This is how I import the library:
[re-com.core :refer [h-box v-box box gap single-dropdown input-text checkbox label title hyperlink-href p p-span]]
And this is how I try to use it:
:width "200px"
:choices [{:id :inline :label "Inline"} {:id :dropdown :label "Dropdown"}]
:placeholder "Issue Group"]
If I place this component inside the component that I render, it simply does not render anything anymore. Do you have some troubleshooting tips?[single-dropdown
:width "200px"
:choices [{:id :inline :label "Inline"} {:id :dropdown :label "Dropdown"}]
:model nil
:placeholder "Issue Group"
:on-change #(print "Dropdown: " %)]
I updated the code, but it still does not render anythingHi, I’m stuck at exercise , the code below throws this error Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Character
(defn remove-if-conseq-dup [acc r]
(if (= (str (last acc)) r)
(str acc r)))
(reduce remove-if-conseq-dup "Leeeroy")
If I pass '("L" "e" "e" "r")
instead of "Leer"
it works. Could you please help me? Thanksdefault behaviour of reduce is that if you don't supply an initial value for acc, then it'll use the result of applying remove-if-conseq-dump
to \L
and \e
- since \L
is not a sequence, last
doesn't make sense (in (last acc)
So you can either pass in an empty string as the initial acc value or do (last (str acc))
to make it a sequence that can have last
run on it.
After this there's still one logic error in it -- it's on the same line.
It works with '("L" "e" "e" "r")
because "L"
is a sequence whereas \L
is not
(fn [acc r]
(if (= (last (str acc)) r)
(str acc r)))
It works now this way, without initialising the accumulatorwhen I initialise it doesn’t work anymore and as you said, it’s failing the conditional logic
(fn [acc r]
(if (= (last (str acc)) r)
(str acc r)))
yep, acc is a string but r is a character, e.g. "A"
is not equal to \A
this should work then, but it still seems to fail
(fn [acc r]
(if (= (last acc) (str r))
(str acc r)))
But looking at the 4clojure, your method can't work by returning a string, as it also needs to work for vectors (and vectors of vectors) 🙂 You could to this?
#(map first (partition-by identity %))
?You have a couple of issues, the starting value for reduce should go before the collection.
(reduce foo "" "Leerrrroooyyy")
But also, put this
(prn "acc::" acc ", r::" r ", last acc::" (last acc))
before the if statement
EDIT: I was wrong, your version works if we change it to this:
(fn [acc r]
(if (= (last acc) r)
(str acc r)))
;=> "Leroy"
yep, anyway I was looking for a way to print the values and learn more. It will be useful in the future, thanks for your help!
I just read that proxy
can only implement methods which are present in interface.
So I must go with gen-class right?
Hello! I'm generating a pom.xml
file with clojure -Spom
. I haven't been able to find how to parametrize this in order to dynamically set eg. the <version>
of my package...
The end goal is to generate a jar with depstar
. I know there's a channel for this tool and I could also use ${
in the pom directly, but the tool doesn't seem to parse these... so I figured i'd try here first.
I'm not sure you need to - based on some little experiments, you can set the version, group id, artifact id, etc in your pom, and running clj -Spom
doesn't change/reset them - it mostly just tweaks the dependencies (afaict)
Thanks, but I'm trying to generate the pom out of clojure source files. I want a generic way to setup the version since I generate several jars...
in that case, you may want to consider something like Leiningen or Boot, which I believe contain more project config attributes, and probably have more in the way of creating build configs. Alternatively, you might want to ask in #tools-deps - presumably that's where the experts on clj
are 🙂
@UQEB56A4E, @U06HHF230 recently created which might work for ya!
Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!
I’ve not officially announced that library yet; as I was wanting to find some time to fix up the github actions so it would be able to deploy itself.
However it should do exactly what you want, and also provide an example of how to use all the various pieces, clojure -X:deps mvn-pom
, depstar
and deps-deploy
See a script to tie everything together here:
And the deps.edn:
Also I recently made some changes to deps-deploy
(on my fork only) to support private s3 wagons, and filed some issues on depstar
that sean graciously fixed, that now make it possible to tie these things together as APIs to script custom builds in clojure.
I haven’t shared a public example of this yet, but it’s pretty easy to do now, and was hoping of possibly pulling it all together into an easy tool for doing this job. Though hopefully
will happen soon and make it all obsolete.
Nice, thanks for that tip. I was reading the conversation on #tools-deps from a couple days ago on the subject, and came to the conclusion i would just work around it for now. I'm really curious about the example tho.
Ok so I'm doing most of the things exactly like you are including depstar
. Thanks for sharing!
Hello, is it correct to say that Clojure (or lisp languages) are functional but also imperative - in the sense that list of forms can be executed sequentially in a function and that it is also possible that their behaviour depends on the state of the program? For example if an atom is used.
Clojure, yes. However, not all Lisps are functional languages by design. For example, Emacs Lisp (elisp) has dynamic scope and anything can potentially mutate anything. Suffice to say, it takes a lot more manual discipline to write functional elisp, than to write functional Clojure.
Related: Whether Clojure or elisp (or many other languages for that matter), "Functional Core Imperative Shell" can be a powerful way to structure one's logic:
I'm having what is a new issue for me. The compiler is throwing the following error: ; Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/loop Here is the code:
{:tag :qualifiedIdentifierExpression :xform (fn [node]
(loop [idPath []
idx 1]
(if (or (< (count loop) idx)
(= "." (nth node (inc idx))))
(recur (conj idPath (nth node idx)) (+ idx 2))
(count loop)
- what is this supposed to do?
perhaps you want (count idPath)
loop itself is a macro, so you can't just use the value at runtime (and the value isn't really useful anyway)
It transforms the data from the node in the form of (:qualifiedIdentifierExpression "a" "." "b" "." "c") into ["a" "b" "c"].
also, as a style concern, I'd usually use defn
for a form that large, even if I only use it as a value in a hash map
@fadrian right, that's what that whole function looks like it would do if it compiled, but I was asking about that specific form, which is the source of your error
That's what the loop form does - it's supposed to return idPath once it's been loaded with the data.
the overall loop form, sure - but you can't just use loop
as an identifier inside it
Oh crap. Thanks. It was supposed to be (count node). As usual, the error messages coming from Clojure are oh so helpful.
@fadrian loops is a macro, I think that error is pretty straightforward
see "can't take value of a macro: clojure.core/loop", look for places "loop" is in a non call position
generally that's what "can't take value" means - you used something that only works in a call position, in some other position in a form
Thanks @noisesmith.
Really beginner question, but if I have a list of maps like this
'({:title "A" :count 1} {:title "B" :count 5} {:title "C" :count 2})
How can I add a new field :sum
where the new field is the sum of all the previous (and current) :count
'({:title "A" :count 1 :sum 1} {:title "B" :count 5 :sum 6} {:title "C" :count 2 :sum 8})
@ggfpc12495 that's a classic use case for reduce
That’s a use-case for reduce
I think. Generally, if you have a collection of X and want to do something that remembers previous results while generating a new thing, you use reduce.
Something like this:
(reduce (fn [result item]
(conj result (assoc item :sum (+ (or (:sum (last result)) 1) (:count item)))))
'({:title "A" :count 1} {:title "B" :count 5} {:title "C" :count 2}))
conj gives the wrong order for list here
(def input
[{:title "A" :count 1}
{:title "B" :count 5}
{:title "C" :count 2}])
(->> input
(reduce (fn [[updated total] element]
(let [total (+ total (:count element))]
[(conj updated (assoc element :sum total))
[[] 0])
[{:title "A", :count 1, :sum 1}
{:title "B", :count 5, :sum 6}
{:title "C", :count 2, :sum 8}]
it's possible to use the :sum
from the prior element, but I think it's worth showing the pattern of using destructuring in order to track multiple values in a reduce
if the shape of computation is anything other than consuming a collection in order, you can use loop for this sort of thing
but reduce is helpful in that it abstracts the traversal for you
also reduced
can be used for early exit of the reduce series
Oh I didn’t know [reduced](!
Weird question: Are there libraries which consist of just EDN, just specs or even just namespaces? When would those be useful? Can you point me to any?
the cognitect aws api is basically an api + per-service libs for each aws service. each of the service libs is just edn data, edn docs, and specs
example one:
core.specs.alpha is a lib of specs for clojure core
there are some other libs of specs out there too
the code .... is in your mind
would this be a good way to provide a doc string before putting a spec into the registry? It seems clunky: (defn message-string? "Documentation" [x] (string? x))
One whole point of putting specs I their own registry was to avoid creating vars for them, so that pains me :)
This is the highest voted issue in the Clojure issue system so I expect to address it in spec 2
thank you that makes sense. It seemed to be a useful thing looking at