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Hey team, say I have a function like this:

(def b (fn [a] a))

(def x (fn [a] (b a))) 
I want to write a function called “expand”:
(expand '(x 1))
; => 
'((fn [a] ((fn [a] a) a))
This would in essence “replace” all definitions with the source code To do this, I thought about first writing a new kind of fn macro, which remembers the source code:
(defmacro fn# [args & body]
    `(fn ~args ~@body)
    {:args '~args
     :body '~body}))
This way, I expand can walk my form and replace from the metadata However, very quickly I came across an issue:
(meta (fn# [a] (+ 1 a)))
Syntax error compiling at (/private/var/folders/sz/rnrd6cv509x2t8nbm6k4mzsh0000gn/T/form-init16854188530357342528.clj:1:7).
Unable to resolve symbol: args in this context
I think I am making a noob mistake here:
{:args '~args
 :body '~body}
Tried a bunch of variations: Just args, ~args, '~args, but no luck. If someone has thoughts would appreciate it!


I think ~'args might be what you want


~ inside of a syntax-quoted expression means sort of "don't syntax-quote the next subexpression". If you use ~args, the thing that gets inserted into the syntax-quoted expression is args, but evaluated at compile time. If you use ~'args, then 'args is evaluated at compile time, which is just the symbol args


Did some experimenting, because I always get this kind of stuff wrong on first guess without trying it out:

(defmacro fn1 [args & body]
    `(fn ~args ~@body)
    `{:args '~args
      :body '~body}))

❤️ 3

Ah, amazing. Thanks @U0CMVHBL2!


Ah, I see, the syntax-quote was necessary around our meta map, because otherwise there would be no way to use ~


Okay, final question for the day team. Say I have a namespace: I want to “monkey-patch” def with this:

(ns church-factorial
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [def]))

(defmacro def [name v]
    (clojure.core/def ~name ~v)
    (alter-meta! (var ~name) assoc :source {:name '~name :v '~v})
    (var ~name)))
The exclude works, but I’m not sure how to access the original def. I don’t think it’s just defined in clojure.core/def


I don't think that is possible except via modifying Java code in the Clojure compiler.


def is one of the handful of special forms that are not implemented as functions or macros.


The :exclude [def] does not give an error, but it does not actually mean that def is undefined within the namespace, either:

$ clj
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (ns foo (:refer-clojure :exclude [def]))
foo=> (def bar 5)
foo=> bar


As opposed to +, say, which you can actually exclude, and it will not be defined in that namespace:

$ clj
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (ns foo (:refer-clojure :exclude [+]))
foo=> (+ 1 2)
Syntax error compiling at (REPL:1:1).
Unable to resolve symbol: + in this context


You can find a list of special forms here, and I would guess that for any of them, you won't get an error if you exclude them, but they will be like def in their behavior -- still defined if excluded, and cannot be monkey-patched from within Clojure itself:


fn and let might be exceptions in that list, since they actually are implemented as macros, with fn* and let* being the underlying special forms they are based upon.


also, I think if you just use def there the compiler doesn't attempt to look special forms up in the environment


❯❯❯ clj
Clojure 1.10.1
(defmacro def [name v]
     (def ~name ~v)
     (alter-meta! (var ~name) assoc :source {:name '~name :v '~v})
     (println "i defined " ~name)
     (var ~name)))
user=> (def x 3) ;; refers to clojure def
user=> (user/def x 5) ;; must always have a namespace or alias to refer to def so it doesn't resolve to clojure's
i defined  5


Learned a lot, thank you team!


(late to the party) Clojure Spec provides its own def, and uses clojure.core/def in the namespace that provides the new def:


Hello, I try to run -main function in a fresh Clojure CLI project but I got this error.

➜ git:(main) ✗ clj -A:run        
Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at clojure.main/main (
Could not locate constsscraper/core__init.class, constsscraper/core.clj or constsscraper/core.cljc on classpath.

Full report at:
To be honest, I don’t know what’s wrong with my setup, anyone could help? I attach screenshot that might useful Thank you

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:10:13

That looks right to me, unless there’s some spelling error in the namespaces somewhere that I didn’t catch

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:10:58

Might be worth trying clj -Sforce -A:run to make sure your classpath isn’t cached wrong somehow

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:10:48

Then I’d back out of the alias and just do clj -m constsscraper.core

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:10:37

Something doesn’t line up here, just need to jiggle it enough to see what


Thank you for the replies, I missed the spelling of the namespace


Hello, is there any good plotting lib which can generate vector graphics, for scientific papers. Thanks.

👍 3
practicalli-johnny13:10:33 will generate SVG (vector graphics) I have use Oz for data visualisation, I didnt check to see if it creates vector graphics. The hiccup syntax can be used to create SVG graphics, which is just a data structure. I havent tried these libraries yet, but they may be of use


thank you. I will try clj-xchart first


ah thanks, I didn’t see that


You're missing a s


Hey team, one more wacky question:

(defn make-code [x] 
(make-code '(foo 1 2)) 
I want this to return:
  ; bar
  1 2)
I want to “insert” in the “; bar” comment In effect, is there a way I can make clojure “create” a form with comments inside? : O


@stopachka Not if you're producing symbolic code (you'd have to produce a string instead).

👍 3

I see, this makes sense. Thanks Sean!


(because comments are handled by the reader, and the reader turns strings into data structures/code and removes the comments)

❤️ 3

You could always produce (do (comment "bar") (foo 1 2)) -- the comment form is executable and returns nil 🙂

❤️ 3

There are some libraries written with the goal of enabling you to read text representing Clojure code/data, and return not what clojure.core/read or clojure.edn/read would return, but instead a custom data structure that represents all white space, comments, etc. and let you manipulate that. e.g. I have not used them, so can't comment on all of the possible gotchas and limitations they might have.

❤️ 3

I saw this thing from borkdude just the other day, seems to fit the bill perfectly!

❤️ 3

For creating / manipulating code while preserving whitespace / comments rewrite-clj is my goto library. I recommend using since that's going to be the maintained future of both rewrite-clj(s)(c)

❤️ 3

It will be transferred to clj-commons later on


rewrite-edn is a lib on top of rewrite-cljc that can help with editing config files while preserving comments


Is there a way to watch activity on an async chan without taking from it? I tried to do something like (tap (mult channel-to-watch) put-on-this-channel) and then but it seemed to mess with the activity on the channel-to-watch


This works (though is not good because of the sleep)

(let [program [3,26,1001,26,-4,26,3,27,1002,27,2,27,1,27,26
        c1-in (async/chan)
        c1-out (run-async program c1-in)
        c2-out (run-async program c1-out)
        c3-out (run-async program c2-out)
        c4-out (run-async program c3-out)
        c5-out (run-async program c4-out)]
    (async/pipe c5-out c1-in)
    (>!! c1-in 9)
    (>!! c1-out 8)
    (>!! c2-out 7)
    (>!! c3-out 6)
    (>!! c4-out 5)
    (>!! c1-in 0)
    (Thread/sleep 5000)
    (<!! c1-in))


what about poll!?


What I'm trying to do is set up a tap on ch1-in (or I suppose ch5-out) so I can see what's getting put on there - the final value before the channel closes is what I want. This doesn't work - it throw a null pointer somewhere much further up in the code, which makes me think that the tap is impeding the pipe flow between c1-in and c5-out

(let [program [3,26,1001,26,-4,26,3,27,1002,27,2,27,1,27,26
        c1-in (async/chan)
        c1-out (run-async program c1-in)
        c2-out (run-async program c1-out)
        c3-out (run-async program c2-out)
        c4-out (run-async program c3-out)
        c5-out (run-async program c4-out)
        read (async/chan)]
    (async/pipe c5-out c1-in)
    (async/tap (mult c1-in) read)
    (>!! c1-in 9)
    (>!! c1-out 8)
    (>!! c2-out 7)
    (>!! c3-out 6)
    (>!! c4-out 5)
    (>!! c1-in 0)
    (async/<!! (async/go-loop [outputs []]
                 (let [val (async/<! read)]
                   (println "read got val" val)
                   (if val (recur (conj outputs val))


> what about poll!? Won't that take the value off the chan? I'm trying to not impact the machine that's running in the background, just look at the traffic


> Takes a val from port if it's possible to do so immediately.


My worry would be that if I take the val while polling, then it won't get taken by the actual thing that's meant to be consuming it


yea, I don't think poll! is what you want here


in general, it's easier to test each individual process and then put everything together than to try to test everything at once


you could "spy" on values flowing through by wrapping each link in the chain with a process that just prints the value passing through before piping it to the next channel


something like:

(defn spy-process [prefix ch1 ch2]
  (go-loop [v (<! ch1)]
    (when v
      (prn prefix v)
      (>! ch2 v)

;; eg.
(spy-process "ch1->ch2" ch1 ch2)


> in general, it's easier to test each individual process and then put everything together than to try to test everything at once Thanks, this is good advice. I'm getting closer I think, by simplifying the machines a bit:

(defn simple-run [inchan name]
    (let [outchan (async/chan)]
      (async/go-loop [counter 0]
        (if (> counter 10) (do (async/close! outchan))
            (do (println name counter)
                (async/>! outchan (inc (async/<! inchan)))
                (recur (inc counter)))))
  (let [in (async/chan)
        out1 (simple-run in :machine1)
        out2 (simple-run out1 :machine2)]
    (async/pipe out2 in)
    (>!! in 100)
    (Thread/sleep 1000)
    (<!! in))
  (let [in (async/chan)
        out1 (simple-run in :machine1)
        out2 (simple-run out1 :machine2)
        read (async/chan 1000)
        m (async/mult out2)]
    (async/tap m in)
    (async/tap m read)
    (>!! in 100)
    (<!! (async/go-loop [outputs []]
           (let [val (async/<! read)]
             (if val (recur (conj outputs val))


I think trying to mix and match pipes and mults in the original was a bad idea. The last one still isn't working - It breaks my repl, I think it's not terminating or something, but I can't figure out why


OK, I guess the read channel isn't closing on it's own properly, since this works OK

(def read (async/chan 1000))

  (let [in (async/chan)
        out1 (simple-run in :machine1)
        out2 (simple-run out1 :machine2)
        m (async/mult out2)]
    (async/tap m in)
    (async/tap m read)
    (>!! in 100))

  (async/close! read)

  (<!! read)


if there's an exception, I don't think simple-run will close the channel which might be causing your last block to hang


you'll probably want to wrap the go-loop in a try/catch and close the channel in the catch clause


I don't think there is any exception being thrown, because I can run it corectly 'by hand', just pulling values of the read chan until it nils. I don't see anything in the docs for mult about it automatically closing when its out2 closes. Maybe that's it?


I would think it would though...


OK, works fine when I increase the buffer

(defn simple-run [inchan name]
    (let [outchan (async/chan 100)]
      (async/go-loop [counter 0]
        (if (> counter 10) (do (async/close! outchan))
            (do (println name counter)
                (async/>! outchan (inc (async/<! inchan)))
                (recur (inc counter)))))

  (let [in (async/chan 100)
        out1 (simple-run in :machine1)
        out2 (simple-run out1 :machine2)
        m (async/mult out2)
        read (async/chan 100)]
    (async/tap m in)
    (async/tap m read)
    (>!! in 100)
    (async/<!! (async/go-loop [outputs []]
                 (let [val (async/<! read)]
                   (println "read got val" val)
                   (if val (recur (conj outputs val))
So I guess what's happening with no buffer is that 1. machine 1 sends it's final output to machine 2, then stops 2. machine 2 sends it's final output the mult (to machine 1 and read), then stops 3. machine 1 is stopped, so will never take the val of it's input. This blocks the (synchronous) mult, which never closes, and so read also never closes

🎉 3

can you use a chan transducer for spying?