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is there a way to make cursive repl use the user namespace by default instead of my-app.core?
My cursive repl has always started me in user
namespace. I wonder if you have some repl middleware configured in your project that might be doing some black magic for you. Totally just a guess.
Is there something like elixirs Enum.take/2
iex> Enum.take([1, 2, 3], 2)
[1, 2]
Interesting that Elixir's argument order is coll, n
as opposed to n, coll
which feels like it reads better to me: "take n elements of coll"...
i think because of pipe operator they choosed coll first so it can be coll |> Enum.take(2) |> other_func()
Whereas Clojure has (->> coll (take 2))
-- and distinguishes between sequence functions (sequence last) and collection functions (type-preserving, collection first)
For example (subvec [1 2 3] 0 2)
and (conj [1 2] 3), (conj #{1 2} 3)
Whereas (cons 1 [1 2])
-- calls seq
on the argument and also returns a sequence.
huh, i thought that was purely an artifact of lisp
@juan.ignacio848 what is that app in you phone that has cljs repl
Replete I think?
(Replete is what I use on my phone to try stuff out)
huh, i thought that was purely an artifact of lisp
i like it thank you for teaching me this @seancorfield
When folks are learning Clojure, they often wonder why some functions seem to take the "collection" first and others take it last -- but it is pretty consistent once you understand the difference between collection (has a type: vector, list, set, hash map, queue, etc) and a sequence (an abstraction that provides elements in order -- sequentially -- even for collections that have no specified order such as sets and hash maps).
(and the various "sequence functions" can accept a collection because they call seq
on it first -- which means they can accept anything that is seqable?
, which includes things like strings etc)
Hey strangers! 👋
I’m pretty new to Clojure and have been having a hard time finding a readable and/or idiomatic way to create a nested map from two ranges. You can map
or for
or merge
or reduce
. Any suggestions?
The most readable so far has been:
(def rows 2)
(def cols 3)
(def val "")
(apply merge-with merge
(for [row (range rows)
col (range cols)]
{row {col val}}))
The least readable (to me) has been:
(defn value-for-row
(->> cols
(map #(hash-map % value))
(into {})))
(->> rows
(map #(hash-map % (value-for-row cols)))
(into {}))
given the way the rows are constructed, you can just use into {}
instead of apply merge-with merge
I thought that too, but you only get the last value for every outer key with into {}
. It got us both. 😳
the outer keys can occur more than once?
oh, right, they can
but in this context youo can use [x value]
as well (and I'd argue that's more direct / idiomatic as entries in a map are special two-element vectors)
I do like pairs for indices, but you lose certain kinds of queries unless you use a sorted map
(def rows 2)
(def cols 3)
(def val "")
((apply comp
(for [row (range rows)
col (range cols)]
#(assoc-in % [row col] val)))
oh yeah, for sure I would write the reduce version without thinking about it, and have over and over again. I was reaching for something novel, and it superficially is, but I wish I had some cool way to get rid of that for
Is that how you’d write it?
(->> (for [row (range rows), col (range cols)] [row col])
(reduce (fn [m ks] (assoc-in m ks val))
Yes, but very often in the reduce there is something more complicated then just assoc-in
Thanks @U0NCTKEV8!
not readable at all:
(def rows 2)
(def cols 3)
(def val "")
((->> (range (* rows cols))
(map (juxt #(mod % rows) #(mod % cols)))
(map (fn [entry] #(assoc-in % entry val)))
(apply comp))
I never would have thought of that approach. 😆 Thanks @U0NCTKEV8.
That’s art
Warning: componentWillMount has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See for details.
right, you said you updated React. in the new version of React, those lifecycles are deprecated
Is that how you’d write it?
(->> (for [row (range rows), col (range cols)] [row col])
(reduce (fn [m ks] (assoc-in m ks val))