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Is there a way to set s default value for print-level and print-length in the REPL ? Can I put a config/startup script somewhere?


what repl are you using? leiningen?


I start through CIDER with emacs. The command line is something like this: [nREPL] Starting server via ~/.local/bin/lein update-in :dependencies conj \[nrepl\ \"0.6.0\"\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[cider/cider-nrepl\ \"0.22.0-beta4\"\] -- repl :headless :host localhost...


(set! *print-length* <integer>) will set the print length to the number you specify. Same call for *print-level*. You can also set either to nil in which case there will be no limit.


Totally missed the second part and did not at all answer your question. Sorry about that. I don't know of a really clean way to do it but there is a way. If you are using Leiningen, inside of the :repl-options map, there is a supported key called :init, which accepts any arbitrary Clojure form. You can find it in the Leiningen example project here: You can add the code above to set the *print-length* to your project.clj (or potentially better in your .lein/profiles.clj, which will apply it globally across all projects) in this field, which should set the length you desire whenever you start the repl. I haven't tested this but I think it will work. I imagine Boot has a similar capability if you are using that instead of Leiningen.

Ashley Smith14:08:58

Hey everyone! So I want to compile my cljs code on the command line and output it to a specific file, but I'm struggling to find the command among the documentation. I was looking at this file, but it doesn't actually say what file these options go into? Does it go into my deps.edn somewhere? I have a dev.cljs.edn that figwheel uses, maybe it goes into there? I use figwheel for development but I'm tinkering with docker a bit today and I want to compile it without the figwheel stuff sometimes 🙂


@ashley If you are using plain cljs.main on the command line, see -co here

Ashley Smith15:08:55

I don't actually know how to invoke cljs.main - I only have clojure, cljs.main gives 'command not found cljs.main` @mfikes


any users of compojure-api? I'm using spec to build my swagger schemas and I can't use anonymous functions inside my specs. For example, (s/def ::value (s/and int? #(> % 10))) returns

  "type": "unknown-exception",
  "class": "java.lang.ClassCastException"


I'm trying to debug this error, and I got the following message:

  "message": "clojure.lang.MapEntry cannot be cast to java.lang.Number",
  "type": "unkown"


there are any special notation I should consider?


@ashley To run using cljs.main you do clojure -m cljs.main and then subsequent arguments follow that

Ashley Smith15:08:42

$ cat target/public/js/space.js 
var CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES = {"figwheel.repl.connect_url":"ws:\/\/localhost:8080\/figwheel-connect?fwprocess=451d5d&fwbuild=dev"};
var CLOSURE_NO_DEPS = true;
if(typeof goog == "undefined") document.write('<script src="/cljs-out/dev/goog/base.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="/cljs-out/dev/goog/deps.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="/cljs-out/dev/cljs_deps.js"></script>');
document.write('<script>if (typeof goog == "undefined") console.warn("ClojureScript could not load :main, did you forget to specify :asset-path?");</script>');
I give in, I tried getting things to work but it produced a js file with this

Ashley Smith15:08:53

$ clojure -m cljs.main -c -o target/public/js/space.js

Ashley Smith15:08:56

that is what I ran


Two comments: - -o is an init opt and -c is a main opt. Init opts must precede main opts. - if you want to have a self-contained outpost file, you’d need to specify that the compiler use optimizations of :whitespace or more (the default is :none which is meant for REPL use)

Ashley Smith17:08:37

hmm okay, let me give it another try

Ashley Smith17:08:25

I think i got it!

Ashley Smith17:08:33

It compiled a good file that looks correct

Ashley Smith17:08:54

now I just need to serve it, as the JS file it outputs to doesn't seem to be picked up by the website

Ashley Smith17:08:28

$ clojure -m This the command to start the server that should serve the javascript, and while it can find my index.html from resources/public/index.html, it cannot find my js file from target/public/js/space.js

Ashley Smith17:08:48

don't know how figwheel main managed to include that when the site starts

Ashley Smith18:08:10

I think I need to include the JS file through the actual server code and not build. Thank you!

Ashley Smith18:08:22

no I don't think its a cljs problem anymore, my js file seems to be output just fine 🙂


(There is a -s / --serve option.)


Right, you do t need to use cljs.main to serve the file if you have an actual server to serve it from.


I have this ("WWWWW" "BB" "BBBB" "W") how can i turn it in this ("5W" "2B" "4B" "W")?


user=> (map (fn [[k v]] (str (if (= k 1) "" k) (ffirst v))) (group-by count a))
("5W" "2B" "4B" "W")


@schmee What will that do for ["WW" "BB" "CC"]?


Works, thank you schmee


A: you get ("2W") so that solution won't work for general sequences.


right you are @U04V70XH6! here’s an updated solution:

(defn foo [things]
    (fn [[k vs]]
        #(str (if (= k 1) "" k) (first %))
    (group-by count things)))

user=> (foo '("WWWWW" "BB" "BBBB" "W" "AA" "BB" "CC"))
("5W" "2B" "2A" "2B" "2C" "4B" "W")

thanks for pointing it out! :thumbsup:


That's overly complicated. You don't need conditionals or nested maps for this.


your version prints “1W” instead of “W”, if that’s ok then I agree that you don’t need conditionals


but yeah, your juxt version is really slick 🙂


Oh, I missed that he didn't want a count on single letters. Sorry.

👍 4

Yeah, so a conditional is needed. I'd do that with another map in the transducer version.


yeah, group-by is for sure not needed at least 😄


(map (fn [[n c :as pair]] (if (= n 1) [c] pair)))


Someone should post a solution leveraging cl-format to hide the conditional

😂 4

Hahaha... I figured there would probably be some way to do it without a conditional!


@mouhieddinesabir Try this

user=> (into [] (comp (map (juxt count first)) (map #(apply str %))) a)
["2W" "2B" "2C"]
user=> (def a '("WWWWW" "BB" "BBBB" "W"))
user=> (into [] (comp (map (juxt count first)) (map #(apply str %))) a)
["5W" "2B" "4B" "1W"]


Or this, if you find it more natural (without the transducer so it's not as efficient):

user=> (def a '("WWWWW" "BB" "BBBB" "W"))
user=> (->> a (map (juxt count first)) (map #(apply str %)))
("5W" "2B" "4B" "1W")
user=> (def a ["WW" "BB" "CC"])
user=> (->> a (map (juxt count first)) (map #(apply str %)))
("2W" "2B" "2C")

👍 4
Lennart Buit20:08:06

juxt is really a delightful function


@schmee pointed out you wanted "W" for the single letter case so I'd need an extra little transformation in my suggestion

user=> (into [] (comp (map (juxt count first)) 
                      (map (fn [[n c :as pair]] (if (= 1 n) [c] pair))) 
                      (map #(apply str %))) a)
["5W" "2B" "4B" "W"]

👍 8

I have a nested map and I wish to convert all values in this map that are keyword into nil


could not find a way to perform that easily =/


(clojure.walk/walk (fn [[k v :as m]] (if (keyword? v) [k nil] m)) identity {:valor 10 :teste :v})


this is a very nice and useful namespace 🙂


yes was gonna say use a pre/postwalk!


that walk function doesn’t work for nested maps though


that's true, just tested


I’m sure it’s possible to make it work with clojure.walk, here is a Specter solution just for fun:

(def recurse-maps
  (recursive-path [] p
    (if-path map?
      [MAP-VALS p]

user=> (setval [recurse-maps keyword?] nil {:a :b :c 1 :d {:a :b :c 1 :d {:a nil :b :c}}})
{:a nil, :c 1, :d {:a nil, :c 1, :d {:a nil, :b nil}}}


This works on nested forms with clojure walk


one more function to my collection, map-entry? was the one missing on my implementation with postwalk

bartuka22:08:21 I just noticed that postwalk-replace has a different behavior on records


(clojure.walk/postwalk-replace {:veri :replaced} (->Teste "foo" "bar" "baz"))
;; => #...Teste{:veri "foo", :wand "bar", :clj "baz", :replaced "foo"}
(clojure.walk/postwalk-replace {:veri :replaced} {:veri "foo" :wand "bar" :clj "baz"})
;; => {:replaced "foo", :wand "bar", :clj "baz"}

Val Baca22:08:48

Hi all, I'm new here and new to clojure. Quick question: I have a function that takes a position {:dir :NORTH :x 0 :y 0} and an instruction "R10" (which means turn Right, then go 10 units) and then returns a new position, like {:dir EAST :x 10 :y 0}

(defn move
  "Given a pos (dir, x, y) and move instruction, returns a new pos"
  [pos inst]
  (apply-delta (assoc pos :dir (turn pos inst)) inst))
All of that is working just fine 🙂 But now I want to start with a single position, and a sequence of directions, like ["R10", "L20", "R10"] and know what the end position is. So in imperative pseudocode I want to do:
var pos = {:dir :NORTH :x 0 :y 0}
for (var dir : directions) {
    pos = move(pos, dir)
return pos
But I just can't seem to wrap my head around what that looks like in clojure. I understand reduce and map with single variables, but iterating over a list with a variable isn't really clicking.


(reduce move initial-position directions) is what it would look like most likely


reduce is often useful in cases like this.


(slack crashed and i wasn't sure it had posted)

Val Baca22:08:00

That did it! funny that's what I think I originally typed and said "nah, that's too easy" 😄


if you want a "path" look into reductions

Val Baca22:08:55

Thanks. It's on my "to study" list. One more question: I'm trying to figure out how to best use -> and ->> when the return value of one expression needs to be the first variable of the next expression: So for something like: (str/split (str/trim (slurp "resources/input01.txt")) #", ")) is there a preferred way to have this read left-to-right?

Val Baca22:08:47

oh actually, that one's easier since it's always the first, I can just use ->, what about when it isn't always the first parameter?


they can compose

(-> 1
    (vector 2)
    (->> (str/join ","))) ;; => "1,2"
there's also as-> that can be helpful at times

Val Baca22:08:47

Thank you again 🙂