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I'm looking for spring boot starter project, but honestly java for controllers and such, but ability to have clojure package to add functionality.


@nxtk I believe spec is closer to being a contracts system (as it borrowed ideas from Racket Contracts). I'm getting that from the author of Practical TLA+. Differentiating between tests, contracts, and types: (see the Getting the Spec section) Here he mentions that clojure.spec is a contracts system:

Ivan Koz05:04:30

@bmaddy thank you very much, i'll read today

Scott Starkey11:04:08

Hi there, all. Previously I had everything working in a Mac environment with Intellij, but I updated my Mac and I think that broke stuff. I am now getting this error message:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See  for further details.
Exception in thread "main" Connection refused (Connection refused), compiling:(core.clj:72:3)
	at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.eval(
	at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: Connection refused (Connection refused)

Scott Starkey11:04:44

The [...] is all of my included modules.

Scott Starkey11:04:19

Does anyone have experience with this sort of foobar? šŸ˜©

Scott Starkey11:04:05

Answering my own questionā€¦ I think itā€™s a classpath problem after I updated Java.


Hi, I was trying out schema, and I have a use case I am not sure schema is suited for, or what I should be using in this case. I need to run different functions at runtime depending if they satisfy a schema or not. I was trying to find a valid? function for boolean validation, not exception one. Is there anything, or what other approach could I use in this case? I donā€™t want to use a :type property because I can have merged maps that satisfy more than one schemas and run all functions if they satisfy more than one, and things like that.


which schema are you talking about @bertofer?


plumatic schema


Was looking for an equivalent of valid? in spec, as I donā€™t want to use spec yet in this project (although the select part would fit very well in my use case)


oh. I'm not familiar with that


I found that I can use check for a checker that doesnā€™t throw Exceptions

Jamie Rumbelow15:04:59

Hi all! Iā€™ve got a series of functions that I want to pass a map through. Iā€™d like each function to be able to e.g. append something to a nested key. Hereā€™s one example:

(defn enrich-with-parenthetical-definitions [document]
  (merge document
         {:structure {:definitions
                      (map str ((re-seq re-paren-phrase (:text document))))}}))
How can I ā€˜reach inā€™ to document and append to document.structure.definitions without overwriting the previous value? Merge seems to overwrite.


look at update-in @jamie962


specifically passing in conj as the updating function

Jamie Rumbelow15:04:42

perfect! thank you!

Jamie Rumbelow16:04:57

BTW, #beginners, parinfer is an excellent excellent excellent tool ( takes a bit of getting used to, but pays dividends.

šŸ‘ 4
Ivan Koz16:04:33

parinfer with paredit is even better

āž• 4

hey y'all seeking some feedback on, particularly there are some questions in the Thoughts section of the README that I'd appreciate input on


also would appreciate any input/feedback/suggestions on any of the code


Love me some parinfer and paredit. I've been using Atom with it all, and I notice some weird proto-repl bugs.

code star 823:04:17

Has the proto repl helped you be more productive? It is on my list of things to try.


Proto-REPL is amazing, I canā€™t imagine going back to LightTable even if there were to ever be an update. But yes, I have noticed two annoying things: (1) The font for the output does not change color when you change the Atom theme. I change from light to dark repeatedly depending on where I am, so I always have to edit the stylesheet each time. (2) Often I accidentally run things that trip an infinite loop and I have to do a hard shutdown of Atom (or it crashes). When it reopens, there is a ā€œConsoleā€ pane where the Proto-REPL pane was, and when I start the REPL, it opens another pane. Then when I close the ā€œConsoleā€ pane, it stops the REPL :man-facepalming::skin-tone-2:


I have found #2, but never #1. I do have some struggles between it and a hard-core command line terminal on a code I'm looking at. I end up having to run proto-repl with a nrepl to the cmd one.