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@zah Using vector is possible, the problem is, with your given xf your channel expects a map input since it will act as a vector/list/queue. One way to solve this is to map over each data before put! . With the given data: (mapv (partial put! ch) data)


is there any special trick to manage dependencies in leiningen so that you will never have to deal with issues regarding dependency reuse at incorrect versions?


i'm currently adding :exclusions modifiers in my project.clj to prevent this reuse whenever it happens, but i'm doing so only when the application fails to compile. am i doing it right?


That’s the basic idea, you can also use lein deps :tree if you’re not already. That will give you some advice about what might need to be excluded.


oh, that's good to know, i'm already using the lein deps :tree, i only wish there was some sort of lein deps add library-name that would automatically add the :exclusions for me xD


However, it’s not always as simple as excluding the conflicting dependency. Imagine a case where two incompatible versions of the same library appear as dependencies in the tree...


@gonewest818 i thought that by adding the exclusions modifier the correct version would be used instead, but i confess that i failed to understand how the dependency tree works and why it tries to reuse dependencies


oh, it's a maven concept, i thought it was leiningen specific, a google search for "maven dependency tree wrong versions" revealed, sorry, i don't have a Java background


it works from start to end of your deps list, depth first, and uses the first version it finds of each dep iirc


so you can specify the right version earlier, instead of using an exclusion


I tend to state the right version earlier and exclude the others, but that might be overkill.


using :managed-dependencies right?


I haven’t used that at all, I don’t think any of this is specific to managed dependencies


No, I simply meant

:dependencies [[foo “2.0.0”]
               [bar “1.3.4” :exclusions [foo]]
               [baz “3.2.1” :exclusions [foo]]]


oh, i got it now! and also learned that dependencies can be declared like that, it's kinda flexible


thanks for the example, made it clearer