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@adamkowalski It might be enough to implement the few interfaces mentioned here: Until a better, more accurate advice comes along, you can study some of Zach Tellman's implementations: Or this example:
CompilerException java.lang.Exception: namespace 'picture-gallery.routes.auth' not found, compiling:(cider-repl picture-gallery:51:7)
@lepistane when does this happen? If you try to eval buffer in Emacs?
well i am reading book WebDev with Clj 2nd edition and i am at chapter 8 making picture-gallery we are supposed to make authentication so i made new file auth.clj in routes folder and tried to test register user function i made but i cant it get that error i used cider-browser-ns and i cant see routes.auth namespace why is that?
to double check you can always lein run
, lein test
, or lein repl
to make sure that there are no errors
hm, that's strange. Are you sure that you created the namespace in a proper directory?
I'm just looking at picture-gallery-a
from book's code examples and the namespace is "" (with "service") but it really doesn't matter much
just to make it clear:
- in the book the file structure is as follows: src/clj/picture-gallery/routes/services/auth.clj
-> you should declare namespace
in this case
- if you created file src/clj/picture-gallery/routes/auth.clj
then you should declare namespace picture-gallery.routes.auth
and be able to use it
error in process filter wrong type argument characterp nil getting this error while evaluating NS
@urbanslug not sure about elegance but something like take (let [s "1245"] (apply str (first s) (second s) ":" (rest s))) might work i am sure there are bugs or things u have to fix but that's my idea
@lepistane Yeah not too elegant (clojure.string/replace "1234" #"..$" #(str %1))
I have this which is close
@lepistane LOL phantom js says "undefined is not a constructor" even thought I've used the function just above this use. 🙂 will try your way. clj to cljs fails
@urbanslug No need to use replace when substing is enough.
Yes, substring. Typo.
i made it work!! how? well bottom up approach function was making error so it couldnt load NS tnx for help everyone
(macro-expand-1 '(defn-with-defaults foobar {:inc 1} [deps b] (+ (:inc deps) b))
(defn foobar
([b] (foobar {:inc 1} b))
([deps b] (let [deps (merge {:inc 1} deps)] (+ (:inc deps) b))))
I'm new to writing macros, but I think I'd need a macro that captures a variable on purpose (so it can add that overwriting let
expression), but I also need splicing-unquote, which I think is only available when syntax quoting
(defmacro defn-with-defaults
[name defaults params & body]
`(defn ~name
(~(vec (rest params)) (~name ~defaults ~@(rest params)))
(~params (let [deps (merge ~defaults ~(first params))]
should work, but I don’t think it is a good idea to write macros with magic variables like this
(defn-with-defaults increase {:inc 1} [deps a] (+ (:inc deps) a))
=> #'clojure.core/increase
(increase 1)
=> 2
(increase {:inc 5} 1)
=> 6
Nevermind the clojure.core
namespace, I accidentally switched to that namespace instead of my own core ns when trying this out in the REPL 😄
But that is what I want. Just imagine the function actually does something sensible, and gets for example a db connection in the deps parameter
I don't think gensym
helps me here, because the way I understand this is I need to have that let
block in the function body
here’s the problem:
kleinheit.extractor=> (macroexpand-1 '(defn-with-defaults foobar {:inc 1} [something b] (+ (:inc something) b)))
(clojure.core/defn foobar ([b] (foobar {:inc 1} b)) ([something b] (clojure.core/let [deps (clojure.core/merge {:inc 1} something)] (+ (:inc something) b))))
Yeah, I actually realised that. I'd be fine with it. Do you have any ideas how to avoid that though?
(I deleted some messages). I guess it would be better if the let-binding bound to the same symbol as the first parameter
quick repl question!. why can't i see the gen
namespace in this scenario? if i lein repl
then (use 'ms.specs)
and then try to call gen
i get Unable to resolve symbol: gen in this context
(ns ms.specs
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen :as gen]))
I guess I can access the :as
definition like from a map.. and make the macro fail if there is none? I dunno
I don't seem to be doing this right. Does anyone know how to invoke the playbackRate method?
#?(:cljs (.playbackRate (. js/document (getElementById "my-video")) 0.6))
I am using Rum
If I get the component how to do the function on it
Don't know off the top of my head. That looks pretty close. You probably need to use a built-in function in Rum to access the React component, then call .playbackRate
on it 🙂
I'm sure you can get help at #rum. I see you've already asked other questions there :thumbsup:
Was just trying to not flood it with nooby questions haha
@kauko is there a standard way to set a property in Rum/Reagent etc?
@joshkh: because namespaces are not seen as objects. So gen
will not work but gen/vector
user=> (require '[clojure.spec.gen :as gen])
user=> gen
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: gen in this context
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: gen in this context, compiling:(/tmp/form-init7595209781886275963.clj:1:8637)
user=> gen/any
#<Fn@10f353c7 clojure.spec.gen/eval31156[any]>
thanks @not-raspberry
is anyone here good with spec? 🙂 i've used gen/generate to create bunch of maps with UUIDs and i'd like to generate (using spec) vectors containing those UUIDs.
Does anyone know if there is an equivalent to python's newspaper library in clojure? It looks like enlive might be the right place for me to look ( Are there others?