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i had a question about protocols: I am a little unclear on how to refer to a protocol in a remote namespace
but if I have (ns foo) (defprotocol bar (baz [x])), would I access that as (foo/baz) ?
@lucaska: Maybe you can start playing with Emacs using Org-Mode. It's really great note-taking / journalling / to-do-listing application
anyone know the idiomatic way to validate that an argument to a function is a channel using schema?
(protocol Channel)
is what I’m currently thinking, just want to make sure there’s not a better way to do it
Finally I have found a time for Clojure, tried IRC channel and in fact no one is there so I have questions if anyone is willing to answer...
Do you guys have any great Clojure projects you can recommend, so I can read some well written source? Maybe download it and eval it?
@giga: go ahead.
@lucaska: Do you want small projects or big?
I’m newer to Clojure, so just seeing how people organize and write a functional program would be cool.
hm, I was trying to make it work for twenty more minutes and it has just worked on my machine too. I guess I have to look up the history of a file to find precise mistake.
Thank you @roberto I have bought Clojure Programming by Chas but it seems a bit tough to digest.
My guess is that, at some point, you were trying to interact with data outside of the let
Getting the parenthesis nested correctly tripped me up a couple of times early on, and I messed up the scope a lot
@lucaska: I wrote an Alexa skill in Clojure. It’s not very big. It’s also my first full app in Clojure so, yeah. It’s a character generator/ rule and spell lookup tool.
There’s the Pedestal framework.
At first that was the mistake, but then I figured out and resolved. Now I’ve looked up the history and has found the mistake > (= data (string/reverse data) true false))) true and false should have been after the second closing parentheses, but in fact I eliminated both as they’re redundant.
@jeff.engebretsen: Thanks, I appreciate that. I also like RPGs so thats a bonus
@roberto by the way, can you suggest a “Clojure”(if there is such :))) way of checking for palindrome?
There’s no good site navigation but this blog has a series on writing a rouge-like in clojure. Part 1:
I have that bookmarked. I’ve learned a lot by looking at the source code for that game.
Is there a way to dynamically set!
a var in the CLJS context? I'm trying to do something like this but it's not registering.
(def random-id (symbol "js" (str "id-" (rand-int 10))))
(set! random-id (fn [] (.log js/console "Test")))
I just published the in the modern-cljs series the 21th and 22th tutorials: Part I and Part II of a reasoned step by step guide to port the official react tutorial to reagent: and