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DecimalFormat in java is probably what you want to use, if you want to relegate the parsing to something else
Sorry, NumberFormat
@roberto: This should work
(let [currencyParser (java.text.NumberFormat/getCurrencyInstance java.util.Locale/US)]
(.parse currencyParser "$10.00"))
;; => 10
I resorted to replace
(defn str->bigdec
(-> (clojure.string/replace v #"\$" "")
(clojure.string/replace #"," "")
For future reference, you probably just needed to change the negative prefix / suffix
user> (def currencyParser (java.text.NumberFormat/getCurrencyInstance java.util.Locale/US))
;; => #'user/currencyParser
user> (.getNegativePrefix currencyParser)
;; => "($"
user> (.setNegativePrefix currencyParser "-$")
;; => nil
user> (.setNegativeSuffix currencyParser "")
;; => nil
user> (.parse currencyParser "-$10")
;; => -10
ugh! Why didn’t they override the parse function so you can pass in the prefix? Hmm, I wonder if the negative prefix would ever be something other than -
sorry for sounding so whiney, working with obscure data formats (ofx) has me in a sour mood.
Can anyone tell me if it is bad practice to directly access fields on an object created from a type?
What's the deal with code-reloading in Pedestal? I've followed the instructions in Which works, but as soon as the view is in a different namespace from the routes, you've gotta reload both the views and the routes... Which is pretty annoying.
I dont have any experience with pedestal but could it be wrapped in ring's reload middleware?
I think if you use lein-ring
lein ring server-headless
it wraps stuff for you.