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Is it expected that bb socket-repl would also create a user=> prompt?

~/D/bb ❯❯❯ bb socket-repl 1666                                                                                                
Babashka socket REPL started at
Babashka v1.3.190 REPL.
Use :repl/quit or :repl/exit to quit the REPL.
Clojure rocks, Bash reaches.

It caught me by surprise. It doesn't seem to happen with nbb. Can it be turned off?


The socket repl is a repl on port 1666. It is a regular terminal repl in the meantime


Or at least that’s how clj operates


I guess we can make this configurable or so. Why does it bother you @U0130DB8TPH?

Oliver Marks14:05:20

I have hit this error

Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at babashka.impl.common/eval187$loading (common.clj:1).
Could not locate sci/ctx_store__init.class, sci/ctx_store.clj or sci/ctx_store.cljc on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name.
I think this is related to sub modules, how ever I am using the tar ball my question is should the tar ball also contain the sub modules as often when packaging you use a tarball to pull and build the application, I am guessing this is recent addition as 1.3.179 builds from tarball but 1.3.190 throws the above error


Please provide a repro and more context

Oliver Marks14:05:56 So basically I went to update the package to the latest and hit the above issue

Oliver Marks14:05:25

actually never mind I see the issue

Oliver Marks14:05:05

I used a git link previously and grabbed the tar.gz link out of habit

duckie 1