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Mandimby Raveloarinjaka00:08:06

Hello, I wanted to do a task that watch some files and execute some commands when they are modified. I did not find something in the babashka libraries; I noticed that there are two pods providing that feature; one implementation in rust and another one in go (this one seems broken though). Are there the only options available? I tried to implement something basic using java interop but it seems that I miss the class StandardWatchEventKinds ( I really want to avoid using another scripting language to monitor file changes: is there something I can from babashka?


Let us know what kind of errors youre facing with the pods, we would try to address them 🙂

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka02:08:48

I did not encounter an error per se with fswatcher; is a 404 and so I thought that the whole project was stopped... sorry I was not clear. Now I tried fswatcher; the first thing I had to do was to build the project: that was easy enough. The binary was installed in my user directory pods repository but when I tried a sample code it failed clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: C:\Users\Mandimby\.babashka\pods\repository\org.babashka\fswatcher\0.0.1\pod-babashka-fswatcher.exe {:type :sci/error, :line 4, :column 1, :message "C:\\Users\\Mandimby\\.babashka\\pods\\repository\\org.babashka\\fswatcher\\0.0.1\\pod-babashka-fswatcher.exe", :sci.impl/callstack #object[clojure.lang.Delay 0x120e9e54 {:status :pending, :val nil}], :file "c:/data/projects/sandbox/adabox-macropad/scripts/watch_file_changes.clj", :locals {}} at sci.impl.utils$rethrow_with_location_of_node.invokeStatic (utils.cljc:71) sci.impl.evaluator$eval.invokeStatic (evaluator.cljc:329) sci.impl.interpreter$eval_form.invokeStatic (interpreter.cljc:78) sci.core$eval_form.invokeStatic (core.cljc:268) babashka.nrepl.impl.server$eval_msg$fn__33669$fn__33670.invoke (server.clj:61) ... ( Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Mandimby\.babashka\pods\repository\org.babashka\fswatcher\0.0.1\pod-babashka-fswatcher.exe at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete ( sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.deleteIfExists ( java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists ( java.nio.file.Files.copy ( babashka.pods.impl.resolver$unzip.invokeStatic (resolver.clj:60) babashka.pods.impl.resolver$resolve$fn__31852.invoke (resolver.clj:182) clojure.core$mapv$fn__8470.invoke (core.clj:6937) ... ( Now to give more context I am working on a side project on windows 10 (not wsl) and "native" babashka works perfectly. A pod requires a extra binary to be installed. Filewatcher only provides release binaries for macos and linux... I cannot use it as is;


The fswatcher pod has a binary for Windows, you don't need to compile it locally


0.0.2 is the latest version


try that one


Just try the examples from its README and those should work. If not, post an issue


> Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: Not sure what causes this, but I've seen a user of clj-kondo also report an AccessDeniedException, he had to change the permissions of the executable somehow. I don't know why


Im making the change in the broken link to fsnotify in the readme. thanks for spotting it

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka15:08:06

Thank you all for the swift replies


@mandimby.raveloarinja Cool. Is there anything that should change to the docs to make it clearer?

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka16:08:29

I am not sure, it was not obvious for me that requiring the pod will download the required binary but now testing the example script shows it clearly

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka16:08:17

Now I am not sure whether this is the case for any of the pod that expect an external bianary

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka16:08:30

I guess it might be on a case by case basis


It is true for any pod that you load with (load-pod <fully qualified symbol> <version>). there might still be pods around that don't have a windows version, but this can be easily fixed


Both the Rust and Go one should work.


I will post an example of how I’m using the Rust one.


@mandimby.raveloarinja Here am I using the Rust one to watch for asciidoc changes to rebuild the book and then trigger an update to watch it with etaoin:

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka02:08:44

Thank you for the sample code. I am running babashka on windows (not wsl) and filewatcher does not provide a native windows binary. I would have to compile it from source... that is not what I want to tackle at the moment and that is why I was hopping for something I can craft natively in babashka


The fswatcher pod has a Windows binary


Nice, I might be able to find a way to make this work with #nbb

clojure-spin 3

shelljs is a similar package which works with nbb already


I was working on some babashka code, I found that the error messages werent leading me to my problem... for example,

(defn jimmy [ jj ]   )
(defn josh [ zy  ] (jimmy))   ;; wrong arity
(defn foo [ x ]    (josh 7))
(def handler foo)  ;; error message points here
(defn boo [ j ]  (handler) )
(boo 7)

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: user/handler
{:type :sci/error, :line 7, :column 18, :message "Wrong number of args (0) passed to: user/handler", :sci.impl/callstack #object[clojure.lang.Delay 0x128c830a {:status :pending, :val nil}], :file "/home/bob/", :locals {j 7}}
 at sci.impl.utils$rethrow_with_location_of_node.invokeStatic (utils.cljc:71)
It seems like the error tracking stops once a dynamic var (handler) is in the stack. Is there a way to make the error messages better? (babashka v0.5.1)


are you already using clj-kondo? you would have spotted this mistake before even executing the script.


when invoking the script I get:

$ bb /tmp/dude.clj
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     clojure.lang.ArityException
Message:  Wrong number of args (0) passed to: user/handler
Location: /tmp/dude.clj:5:18

----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
1: (defn jimmy [ jj ]   )
2: (defn josh [ zy  ] (jimmy))   ;; wrong arity
3: (defn foo [ x ]    (josh 7))
4: (def handler foo)
5: (defn boo [ j ]  (handler) )
                    ^--- Wrong number of args (0) passed to: user/handler
6: (boo 7)

----- Locals -------------------------------------------------------------------
j: 7

----- Stack trace --------------------------------------------------------------
user/handler - /tmp/dude.clj:4:6
user/boo     - /tmp/dude.clj:5:18
user/boo     - /tmp/dude.clj:5:1
user         - /tmp/dude.clj:6:1


what about this error can be improved?


Ah I see, you mean that with dynamic var, I thought ˆ:dynamic *foo*


So this is a simplified example, and the functions are in different namespaces... I did run clj-kondo, but it didnt seem to pick up these issues. Probably worth mentioning that handler is assigned dynamically (based actually on the incoming url)


clj-kondo reported this one: (defn josh [ zy ] (jimmy)) ;; wrong arity, I thought you meant that one


yeah, I think we can improve this somehow, worth looking into


issue welcome


I refactored some code and I hit about 20 of these issues in my code, and spent hours adding printlns to find where I messed up the arity.


I also want to improve this in clj-kondo itself


if you do (def x y) and call (x) then report as if you're calling y


anything below the handler and it is like the error is saying "there is an arity error somewhere, good luck."


I think this might be because (def x y) assigns the value of y to x but the metadata from y doesn't apply to x


not sure what to do here, but worth considering


Yea, I condp select which handler to use.


I'm open to a hack that copies the metadata or some such...


I did notice (meta handler) was nil


> I'm open to a hack that copies the metadata or some such... I might not, as this might affect performance somehow, but we'll see ;)


oh, yes, I meant locally for me a hack. for this 1 call point.


this will at least give the proper name:

(defn foo [])

(def h foo)
(alter-meta! #'h (constantly (meta #'foo)))

(h 1 2 3)

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka02:08:48

I did not encounter an error per se with fswatcher; is a 404 and so I thought that the whole project was stopped... sorry I was not clear. Now I tried fswatcher; the first thing I had to do was to build the project: that was easy enough. The binary was installed in my user directory pods repository but when I tried a sample code it failed clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: C:\Users\Mandimby\.babashka\pods\repository\org.babashka\fswatcher\0.0.1\pod-babashka-fswatcher.exe {:type :sci/error, :line 4, :column 1, :message "C:\\Users\\Mandimby\\.babashka\\pods\\repository\\org.babashka\\fswatcher\\0.0.1\\pod-babashka-fswatcher.exe", :sci.impl/callstack #object[clojure.lang.Delay 0x120e9e54 {:status :pending, :val nil}], :file "c:/data/projects/sandbox/adabox-macropad/scripts/watch_file_changes.clj", :locals {}} at sci.impl.utils$rethrow_with_location_of_node.invokeStatic (utils.cljc:71) sci.impl.evaluator$eval.invokeStatic (evaluator.cljc:329) sci.impl.interpreter$eval_form.invokeStatic (interpreter.cljc:78) sci.core$eval_form.invokeStatic (core.cljc:268) babashka.nrepl.impl.server$eval_msg$fn__33669$fn__33670.invoke (server.clj:61) ... ( Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Mandimby\.babashka\pods\repository\org.babashka\fswatcher\0.0.1\pod-babashka-fswatcher.exe at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete ( sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.deleteIfExists ( java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists ( java.nio.file.Files.copy ( babashka.pods.impl.resolver$unzip.invokeStatic (resolver.clj:60) babashka.pods.impl.resolver$resolve$fn__31852.invoke (resolver.clj:182) clojure.core$mapv$fn__8470.invoke (core.clj:6937) ... ( Now to give more context I am working on a side project on windows 10 (not wsl) and "native" babashka works perfectly. A pod requires a extra binary to be installed. Filewatcher only provides release binaries for macos and linux... I cannot use it as is;