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I'm looking for a task scheduler / cron-like-thing that's happy in babashka, any suggestions?
Hi, I would like to confirm my understanding of how to run the aws cli from a babashka file. I would use “” as described in the book? Is this the prefered way?
@steven.katz it depends. if you would like to capture output, or only like to cause a side effect and don't want to use the output, but see the output as you execute it
hmm, not sure, right now I guess I don’t really need to capture the output, just look at it as it executes
In that case babashka.process
offers a better alternative:
(require '[babashka.process :refer [process]])
@(process ["aws-cli" "your-argument1" "your-argument2"] {:inherit true})
The shell
function from babashka tasks can also be used, it basically the same with a slightly different API, but with defaults for running it as a task:
(require '[babashka.tasks :refer [shell]])
(shell "aws-cli your-arg1 your-arg2")
Great, thanks!
I'm trying to use babashka in my CI environment, currently trying to just install the binary and make it work on a "vanilla" alpine image. here's my trouble:
bash-5.0# wget -O /tmp/bb-install
Connecting to (
bb-install 100% |***********************************************| 3504 0:00:00 ETA
bash-5.0# bash /tmp/bb-install
Downloading to /tmp
Successfully installed bb in /usr/local/bin
bash-5.0# which bb
bash-5.0# bb
bash: /usr/local/bin/bb: No such file or directory
perhaps we can switch to this as the default on linux at one point, @rahul080327 @thiagokokada
At this point I'm much more confident in making it static everywhere should be safe
Maybe we can do an A/B test somehow 😛
Maybe, but something to keep in mind is that maybe musl may have some difficults doing requests in some configurations (thanks to the fact that it embeds its own DNS resolver instead of using NSS)
The cases where (and if) this will cause issues should be rare, so IMO it is safe to switch, but I think it is important for people to understand the implications of static binaries
bash-5.0# /tmp/bb-install --static
Downloading to /tmp
mkdir: unrecognized option: static
I deleted borkdude/babashka and borkdude/clj-kondo on Dockerhub now. Let's see how many questions I will get and how many CIs will break... tl;dr: use babashka/babashka and cljkondo/clj-kondo
> Maybe I should have been more careful? On the other hand, it's been 6 months now If you really want people to fix their CIs breaking it is the only way 🤷 Those group renamings on GitHub are really bad on UX side (since it only shows when pulling/pushing)
Ah, just saw that you're referring to the Dockerhub (I missed it and thought it was the GitHub repo )
Hello! I would like to load a babashka file, which only contains "helper-functions" for what I would like to script.
In the end, I'm loading this file on a closh shell, and running a pipe.
1. First problem I have, when I run
bb -f partitioning.clj
It returns, as defined, only the last-defined function in the file,
The integral code can be found in,
Q: How could I load all the functions properly?
I thank you for your time, @U04V15CAJ. I'm not really in a rush. If anyone knows what is happening would be great. But, for now, loading things in the shell has been working fine, for my scope/work.
@U022GV4MVTQ I’m guessing the problem is that you are not calling a “main” function. Like @U04V15CAJ said “Babashka prints the last return value”. So the last value is a function
If you put (your-function)
and the end of the file it should run
A common pattern is
#?(:bb (apply your-main-function *command-line-args*))
This will run only in babashka. If you want to only run when it is invoked from the command line (and not when requiring it from another ns) you can add an additional checkMaybe this is also an option
@U022GV4MVTQ I’m rereading the thread and I’m not sure if I actually understand your problem. Is it your goal to invoke this function from the command line?
Yes, actually,
I wish to use it as a command in a pipe.
In the repository I prepared a demonstration.
Let's say you have shifted-ordered files. So, text5.txt, text6.txt, ..., text10.txt.
You can rearrange them removing this shif-value of 5. And, you can change their regex "text", as well as the extension ".txt".
All this with this one-liner which is a defcmd-macro (from closh).
Then, let's say you want to partition these files in sub-folders with determined regex base-name.
You can then use another simple pipe, twoliners.
(to reproduce the results, you can go to ./sh-scripting/
, run sh
, then, cd ../test/
, and run the following:
$rename-test "test" ".txt" 5 "demo" ".org"
$ls |> (map #(file-ids % "demo" ".org")) |> #(populate-key-map (create-range [0 3 7 10]) % 1) |> #(create-populate-dir % "dir-demo" "demo" ".org")
This rename files from text5.txt, ... , text15.txt to, ... ,
Then, move these demo[0,3].org to dir-demo1; [4,7] to dir-demo2; and, [8,10] to dir-demo3.As it is, I need to load all the functions in closh repl, to use these one-liners - which defeats the purpose a bit.
I could make some tweaks and write it in "pure babashka" syntax, and leave closh aside.
Currently, I'm maintaining both versions in parallel.
I guess I could, then, write the commands to execute inside the script - as I noticed that was the purpose, as you spoke.
But, going further in this problematic, do you see an easy way I could load these namespaces and use in a
pipe | bb -e (ns-function)
It’s hard to understand the exact problem you are trying to solve. Can you try to isolate the issue? Is this specific to closh or is this also happening in the bash shell?
For piping process it’s good to have a look here
I eval a babashka file. I want to call, now, the functions which were loaded in this eval. I can't. That's basically the isolated issue there.
ok so first thing is that bb
loses it’s state between 2 calls. So the first one is unrelated to the second one
Let me see if I can give you a working version
I appreciate it @U0FT7SRLP
You are missing a bb.edn
file in the devibrary
Here is some background
bb -m devibrary.core/foo 2
2 Hello, World!
That should work when you add a bb.edn
file like this one
{:paths ["src"]}
The other function can be called like bb -m devibrary.partitioning/create-populate-dir 1 2 3 4
I have it working here
➜ CloshBashika git:(main) ✗ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
@U022GV4MVTQ Hope this is what you needed
Yes, it is! I will dive more deeply in the documentation, also. Because, certainty I will be using it in daily use. Thank you @U0FT7SRLP and @U04V15CAJ
np @U022GV4MVTQ. Hope you are having fun 🙂 Also cool to see you are using Closh
Is there some way in Babashka that I can set the directory where a script/project is running, without needing to change the directory :thinking_face: ? Context in 🧵 .
I have a Babashka project (has a bb.edn
and src
, test
directories) that needs to be accessed from anywhere (so I added a bin
directory from this project to my PATH
Maybe this helps: the way im using tasks in this mono-repo?
Nowadays what I do to load the bb.edn
(that includes this project deps, classpath, etc) is to have a hybrid shell script/babashaka script that cd
into the script directory and runs the program
@rahul080327 I don't think this will work because of the next reason
The approach above worked fine, but today I discovered that I can't change to the project directory for one reason: I will lose the directory where the user is running the project
So I have another command that tries to download some things on the current directory, but now it is always downloading it to the directory that my project is hosted (since I changed the directory before running the project)
I can't change this command because it is not called directly by my project (it is called indirectly in a fallback flow)
The major issue that I am facing now is that while bb -f /path/to/script.clj
works, it "ignores" the bb.edn
So if we could have something like bb -f /path/to/script.clj --bb-file "/path/to/bb.edn
, I think this would solve the problem
(BTW, this works in Python, since a venv
can be called anywhere if you, just by calling your script with path/to/venv/bin/python
> So if we could have something like bb -f /path/to/script.clj --bb-file "/path/to/bb.edn, I think this would solve the problem
Actually, this would need to be a --context /path/to/project
, since the :path
(and probably other things) on the bb.edn
file are relative
maybe launch bb with the --classpath
set to the place with the src etc and launch it from the place bb.edn is? Im not sure if the bb.edn path could be specified :thinking_face:
I think this could work, however I would need to load my dependencies manually somehow
i think the bb.edn is also picked up from the --classpath
could be wrong 😅
Well, I can set my --classpath
to path/to/project/src
, but this will not load the dependencies
how are you invoking bb? providing a particular ns with the classpath?
I actually call the script itself, that loads a namespace from the project, that them loads the -main
function 😅
yeah i could imagine shoving the entry point into bb.edn and calling the code from that instead of the scripts?
invoke bb with a classpath and a task name maybe
I don't think this would work anyway in my case since to read bb.edn
, AFAIK you need to be in the same directory as the bb.edn
is created
right, im not sure of this, @U04V15CAJ should help better 🙏:skin-tone-3:
This works 😄
export PROJECT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$(dirname "$0")")"; pwd -P)"
exec bb -f "$0" -- "$@"
;; Add debugging helpers and dependencies
(require '[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[babashka.deps :as deps]
'[babashka.classpath :as cp]
'[clojure.edn :as edn])
(defn- file-from-project-dir [filename]
(str (fs/path (System/getenv "PROJECT_DIR") filename)))
(deps/add-deps (edn/read-string (slurp (file-from-project-dir "bb.edn"))))
(cp/add-classpath (file-from-project-dir "src"))
yeah i guess having the ability to specify the bb.edn
path should be the best option
@thiagokokada I don't know if this solves your problem, since I didn't read the entire thread, but: > bb -f /path/to/script.clj --bb-file "/path/to/bb.edn you can do this:
BABASHKA_EDN=/path/to/bb.edn bb -f path/to/script.clj
we were missing the --bb-edn
flag and missed it in the help too
ah sorry i misread
yeah i see the env var 😅
would it be nice to add a cli opt for the edn file? most tools have it for a non standard path?
I think there is a reason that deps.edn
doesn't support this. Since you create ambiguity about :paths
. Are they relative to the bb.edn
file or the local dir?
Huh... It doesn't seem to work for me
It does seems to load the :deps
, but not the :paths
we can model it like docker? it uses -f
for a non standard path to the Dockerfile and takes a context path
> we can model it like docker? it uses -f for a non standard path to the Dockerfile and takes a context path Yeah, this would be ideal for me
I can start it, maybe you can add to it @thiagokokada?
Thank you @rahul080327 @U04V15CAJ
Note: please use discussions, not issues, so we can have some back and forth first
Should i add it to the bb tasks thread?
got it
Can you remove the reference to BABASHKA_EDN
? It's an internal detail, I think it's better if nobody finds it there and start using it
So the way I'm reading that issue now. My initial response is: just write a bash wrapper script that cds into the right directory and then calls bb
Makes sense. I'm looking at it from the lens of a task runner like Gradle, make etc where we can specify the path to the conf, when not in pwd
sorry if this is a common qustion, i'm new to this is there an existing time expiring cache that is happy in babashka?
(def devices (cache/ttl-cache-factory #{} :ttl 5000))
this seems to be missing the sorted protocol@arthur currently we don't have core.cache / core.memoize in babashka. not sure what the vanilla Clojure / Java answer to this should be
There's a tiny error in the docs here Think that should be (delete f)
instead of dir