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> hello! babashka looks really interesting (I’m interestedin porting a bash script). I noticed the README mentions that there’s editor integration. > > I’m using inf-clojure-minor-mode, however I don’t seem to have auto completion working (it complains about lumo.repl for some reason).
Chlorine (for atom) does auto-complete, load-file, and goto var definition 🙂
Hello @rymndhng. I've managed to have inf-clojure work with babashka using this config:
(use-package inf-clojure
:ensure t
(setq-default inf-clojure-repl-type 'clojure)
(setq inf-clojure-completion-form
"(clojure.core/let [collect (fn [x y] (clojure.core/map
(clojure.core/comp str first)
(x y)))
refers (collect clojure.core/ns-map *ns*)
from-ns (->> (clojure.core/ns-aliases *ns*)
(fn [[k v]]
(clojure.core/map (fn [x] (str k \"/\" x))
(collect clojure.core/ns-publics v)))))]
(clojure.core/->> refers
(concat from-ns)
(fn [x] (re-find #\"%s\" x)))
(setq inf-clojure-arglists-form
"(:arglists (meta (clojure.core/resolve (quote %s))))"))
However, in the end I didn't keep using it. For me it was too limiting compared to cider. So now I just have this :bb
alias in my ~/.clojure/deps.edn
to emulate bb built-in libs, and I dev bb scripts as if they were clojure ones.
:aliases {
:bb {:extra-deps
{org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "1.0.567"}
org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "0.4.2"}
org.clojure/data.csv {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}
cheshire {:mvn/version "5.10.0"}}}
:test {:extra-paths ["test"]}
@dromar56 thanks for the tips. I have also found it a bit limiting compared to a cider environment 😉 that said, I’ve really enjoyed the fast startup times for little CLI scripts — for that kind of work I feel comfortable enough to not rely on autocompletion 😁
The config I linked should fix eldoc (you can see the arguments of the function at point in the minibuffer) and auto-completion, so at least you'll have that :)