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bb is now available on docker:
$ docker run borkdude/babashka:0.0.70-SNAPSHOT bb -e '(System/getProperty "java.vm.version")'
"GraalVM 19.3.1 CE"
@borkdude reads
> run
> script/compile
But don't you need to run lein uberjar
or something first?
PS: I was at first confused by deps.edn adding dependencies there and having class not found exception until I noticed there is also project.clj 🙂
right, now I see it. How could I have overlooked it?
I bet you have a script to calculate the checksums? for bb in homebrew I use this:
I have script like this:
it took me some time to do the magic with curl, but it's fairly powerful. No I have script for every program. clojure has slightly different one, because it is not released via github
in the past I was doing portages for gentoo and tarballs for slackware, well that's about 15-20 years ago 🙂 good old times.
If anyone has experience with yaml in Clojure, feel free to chime in here: