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An all new shiny clj-kondo clj-kondo clj-kondo release with lots of new features and improvements! 🎉 Clj-kondo is a static analyzer and linter for clojure code that sparks joy . It's also providing the analysis and linting in clojure-lsp 2022.10.05 • New linter: :unused-value - see Also see issue • New linter: :line-length - see ( • New linter: :unknown-require-option - see ( • New linter: :aliased-namespace-symbol - see ( These and other changes can be found in the f Join the channel at #clj-kondo

🎉 32
borkdude 13
clj-kondo 11

A special thank you to @UEENNMX0T, who, as you can see has been contributing a lot :)

🎉 2
gratitude 2
❤️ 1

Heya @UEENNMX0T lookie what your new :aliased-namespace-symbol linter found in cljdoc sources! ❤️

src/cljdoc/server/pedestal.clj:562:44: warning: An alias is defined for render-build-log
src/cljdoc/server/pedestal.clj:615:4: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.interceptor: interceptor
src/cljdoc/server/pedestal.clj:617:15: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.http.impl.servlet-interceptor: servlet-interceptor
src/cljdoc/server/pedestal.clj:618:15: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.http.impl.servlet-interceptor: servlet-interceptor
src/cljdoc/server/routes.clj:93:14: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.http.route: route
src/cljdoc/server/routes.clj:97:22: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.http.route: route
src/cljdoc/server/routes.clj:98:21: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.http.route: route
src/cljdoc/server/routes.clj:103:12: warning: An alias is defined for io.pedestal.http.route: route
src/cljdoc/server/system.clj:116:4: warning: An alias is defined for integrant.core: ig
src/cljdoc/util/fixref.clj:97:22: warning: An alias is defined for clojure.string: string
linting took 2287ms, errors: 0, warnings: 10

🎉 6
❤️ 2
Noah Bogart19:10:06

I've contributed to many open source projects but this one might be my favorite. A real pleasure to work with you on it

❤️ 1

clojure-lsp Released with lots of improvements and fixes 🎉 Main highlights: • Critical performance fix introduced on previous release, please try this release if having any performance issues. Kudos to @jacob.maine • We now have a new CLI/API command: clojure-lsp dump -- This should build and return lots of information about your project like clj-kondo normalized analysis, project information, dependency-graph and others, if you want do some kind of data analysis in your project/s, consider giving it a try. • Lots of critical fixes for Windows -- Thanks to the huge help of @chaos (@ikappaki) • We now decompile the whole jar if it's a java project, offering whole lsp-java features 🚀 For complete changelog and more info, check #lsp Thank you for all supporters and help during this release! gratitude

clojure-lsp 13
🎉 12
🚀 9
clojure-spin 5
gratitude 3

When will the brew package be updated?


ah now works :)

gotta_go_fast 4

thanks for Java integration. I am missing java class navigation. looking forward to trying it out

🎉 2
Noah Bogart20:10:27

clojure-lsp dump >> dump.edn produces a 148mb file lol

😅 1

Big data, almost a mini data lake 😛

Noah Bogart20:10:59

I suspect the file will be smaller when I don't run it over our production codebase (roughly 150k lines)


Also not sure you are interested on all output keys, that's why there is the filter-keys flag :)


you could also run clj-kondo analysis directly on (parts of) your project to get smaller output

Asko Nōmm20:10:00, a tiny, Babashka compatible, zero-dependency HTTP router • Implemented support for wildcard parameters • Fixed issue where if you used multiple optional parameters, they would get wrong data from the URI.

🎉 6
babashka 6
❤️ 2