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Announcing: neil A CLI which adds common features to your #clojure deps.edn projects. It's installable with Homebrew. If this is useful to you, I'd be happy to receive more features. Neil is made with #babashka :)
Would it be possibile to manage configs from graal-config with neil? Or it's not a scope of this tool?
The first thing I'd like to fix is the formatting of the deps.edn which is a bit off.
So the name is a donk at Lein(ingen)? In that context, is the envisioned scope to gather all the new low level things such as new build tools and deps.edn and combine them into an actual build integration tool through neil or is it just a way to have shorthands for aliases?
@U8SFC8HLP I plan to add the ability to inject tasks into a bb.edn
and then you can use bb test
to run tests in your project for example. This gives you some of the UX that lein has but still with the possibility to tweak things.
Righto 🙂 This matters to me only in the sense that I want to understand where this whole uneaseness with Lein getting disfavored is going to go in the long run… I’m not so sure on the non-opinionated part, but that’s a separate discussion. Your goals for this sounds good 🙂
I find myself adding build.clj files to deps projects because depstar is deprecated so that fulfills the goal of this tool for me right now
for fun we could add neil test :only
which then invokes clojure -M:test -n
or so :P
I'd like to see neil being able to run tasks. Being able to manage (most) thinks within an easy to understand tool would also be good for beginners
Would be great to have configurable tasks (where the CLI tool shows you all options and such)
Adds calendar invite for 2031. "See who remembers why this thing is called neil
Added some new options:
@U04V15CAJ I tried to install neil
brew install babashka/brew/neil
but it failed:
==> Tapping babashka/brew
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 44, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (44/44), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
remote: Total 44 (delta 7), reused 43 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (44/44), 5.42 KiB | 1.81 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), done.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew/Formula/[email protected]
No available formula with the name "[email protected]". Did you mean [email protected] or [email protected]?
In formula file: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew/Formula/[email protected]
Expected to find class NeilAT008, but only found: Neil.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew/Formula/[email protected]
No available formula with the name "[email protected]". Did you mean [email protected] or [email protected]?
In formula file: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew/Formula/[email protected]
Expected to find class NeilAT009, but only found: Neil.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew/Formula/neil.template.rb
No available formula with the name "neil.template".
In formula file: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/babashka/homebrew-brew/Formula/neil.template.rb
Expected to find class NeilTemplate, but only found: Neil.
Error: Cannot tap babashka/brew: invalid syntax in tap!
I had an ancient version of babashka so tried to upgrade it just in case but neil install is still failing.
brew is typically auto-updated and an explicit update didn't help. I created
Thanks. I'll look into if I can reproduce it. Can you also mention the brew version, macos or linux version?
@U06BE1L6T Something else was wrong, now also fixed
And added another feature:
$ neil add dep borkdude/sci :latest-sha true
$ cat deps.edn
{:deps {borkdude/sci {:git/url ""
:git/sha "a0dd7fa2a087ed1f524fd22cb73139f571ff469d"}}
:aliases {}}
Does this feature works somehow with our graal-config? 😄
If yes we can put the usage in the description : )
@UJ1339K2B Hmm, we could add neil add dep clj-easy/graal-config :deps/root taoensso.timbre
Oh, yes pleeease ❤️
But probably we have do differentiate the graal-config from the regular dependencies, since it's multi artifact deps.edn monorepo
I have tried:
neil add dep com.github.clj-easy/graal-config :deps/root config/com.taoensso/nippy :as com.github.clj-easy/graal-config-nippy :latest-sha
But this add a dependency with {:mvn/version nil}@UJ1339K2B Should work now:
$ neil add dep com.github.clj-easy/graal-config :deps/root config/com.taoensso/nippy :as com.github.clj-easy/graal-config-nippy :latest-sha true
$ cat deps.edn
{:deps {com.github.clj-easy/graal-config-nippy {:git/url ""
:git/sha "7a2cc5b1b1652580e26d990cf5bac2ed48247b7e"
:deps/root "config/com.taoensso/nippy"}}
:aliases {}}
in neil v0.0.11Yeah 😄
But, we almost got it 😄
@U015VUATAVC I have considered this, but one of the goals of neil was to see if it's feasible to package a bb script as a standalone brew/scoop/nixos package
I might make a tool version of this later on. But one of the benefits of having it as a bb script is that it's fast. I don't want to wait a few seconds to add something to my deps.edn
At Yet Analytics, we've recently open-sourced a core product written in Clojure - lrsql (aka SQL LRS). This project uses HugSql to interface with three different SQL backends (H2, SQLite, and Postgres) to store learning data. As part of the lrsql development process, we released colossal-squuid, an open-source Clojure(script) library that generates sequential UUIDs (SQUUIDs) which follow the We use SQUUIDs in lrsql as primary key IDs, where their strict monotonicity makes them useful as query cursors. lrsql repo: colossal-squuid repo:
Great idea and project! It will surely be useful for the company where I wok. I submitted an issue now that proves and proposes a fix for a race condition.
@U02FU7RMG8M are you familiar with mulog's flake [0] and if so, can you share some insight on pros/cons of choosing one library over the other? Asking as someone who has not studied the code for colossal-squuid yet, so feel free to just respond "RTFM". :) [0]
Never heard of it before so I'm reading through it, and two three things stood out:
is part of a larger library, which in turn has a bunch of dependencies. Not only is colossal-squuid
one library dedicated to generating SQUUIDs, I designed it to not have any dependencies at all (Clojure(script) and test deps excepted).
• The IDs
generates are not UUIDs, which may not be optimal for applications that prefer UUIDs (e.g. certain DBMSs like Postgres have special optimized UUID types).
• colossal-squuid
has Clojurescript/JS support, while
is for, well, Java only.
One con of colossal-squuid
is performance; these are times measured on Java 11.0.10 on my machine (MacOS High Sierra with an i7 processor):
(criterium.core/bench (squuid/generate-squuid))
Evaluation count : 245862600 in 60 samples of 4097710 calls.
Execution time mean : 247.688222 ns
Execution time std-deviation : 16.444680 ns
Execution time lower quantile : 235.489134 ns ( 2.5%)
Execution time upper quantile : 284.262079 ns (97.5%)
Overhead used : 6.380512 ns
Found 3 outliers in 60 samples (5.0000 %)
low-severe 2 (3.3333 %)
low-mild 1 (1.6667 %)
Variance from outliers : 50.0896 % Variance is severely inflated by outliers
(criterium.core/bench (str (squuid/generate-squuid)))
Evaluation count : 214467540 in 60 samples of 3574459 calls.
Execution time mean : 289.453769 ns
Execution time std-deviation : 21.778366 ns
Execution time lower quantile : 273.336325 ns ( 2.5%)
Execution time upper quantile : 340.385667 ns (97.5%)
Overhead used : 6.380512 ns
Found 8 outliers in 60 samples (13.3333 %)
low-severe 3 (5.0000 %)
low-mild 5 (8.3333 %)
Variance from outliers : 56.7680 % Variance is severely inflated by outliers
So generating a SQUUID is about 7 times slower than generating a Flake, and with string conversion it's about For purposes of fair comparison, I rebenched Flake generation on my machine. Generating flakes w/o string conversion was similar to the listed time (35 ns), but w/ string conversion it was better (69 ns).
I will chip in with a small observation: Flake provides monotonicity per thread, whereas colossal provides monotonicity per JVM. I doubt that makes a big difference in practice for an application, but I find the latter neater. I'm no performance expert, but I suppose that (synchronization guarantees) might also explain some of the performance differences. Side note: μ/log looks like a great and interesting project. Another option for squuids can be the datomic api. Downsides: closed source. No easy way to get from millis to squuid as far as I know.
Thank you all for the observations, this is exactly what I was hoping for. I was considering porting flake to CLJS, so colossal library arrives on the scene at a great time. :) (Datomic - and DataScript - both have a squuid function, but unlike flake and colossal, they make no attempt to be monotonic).
Thanks @U02FU7RMG8M and @UGJE0MM0W for following up!
@U02FU7RMG8M Is there a way to obtain the timestamp from an already generated squuid?
Here's how you can do it in Clojure:
(let [squuid (generate-squuid)
squuid-fst-48-bits (bit-shift-right (.getMostSignificantBits squuid) 16)]
(java.util.Date. squuid-fst-48-bits))
It's just a matter of extracting the first 48 bits and coercing them into a timestamp. For future reference, generate-squuid*
returns a map that includes the timestamp used for generation for you.Could I trouble you for the CLJS version? Sorry, really unfamiliar with bit manipulation 😕
Unfortunately it'll be harder in CLJS since JavaScript UUIDs are stored as strings, so you'll have to do string parsing before you can do anything interesting with them.
I'm pretty sure you can hack up a solution by using a tool like to parse the UUID into a number
array, then perform array manipulations and arithmetic to get an integer that you can convert into a Date
object. But it would be ugly.
Anyways since you did mention you were unfamiliar with bit manipulation, let me explain what's going on in that code snippet:
1. .getMostSignificantBits
simply takes the "most significant" half of a UUID, i.e. the ones with the greatest value. (Think of how in the number `12`, the `1` is the "most significant" digit while the `2` is the "least significant" one.) For example, the most significant bits of the UUID `017ddefd-951d-8485-a6cf-6820da6769c3` are `017ddefd-951d-8485`.
2. bit-shift-right
literally shifts bits in a bit array to the right; the `16` refers to by how many bits they were shifted. For example, in the bit array `0000111100001111`, if we shift by 4 bits, will become `000011110000`, since the last 4 bits were shifted "off the map." Likewise, bit shifting `017ddefd-951d-8485` will result in `017ddefd-951d` (note that each hex digit is 4 bits long, since that's how many bits are needed to represent any number between `0` and `f`/`15`).
3. The `java.util.Date` has a constructor that accepts a long value (which all Clojure ints are), so if given 017ddefd-951d
it instantiates a Date instance with value `2021-12-21T21:55:00.509-00:00`.
Alright, this seems to do it:
(-> (squuid/generate-squuid)
(subs 0 13)
(clojure.string/split "-")
(js/parseInt 16)
Thank you, @U02FU7RMG8M! Are you interested in offering such a function in the library?Perhaps. I'll have to think about it since I'd want to keep colossal-squuid minimalistic, but if people would like such a function I'd do it. Also, I like how for your cljs solution you didn't use any external libs - you kept the spirit of colossal-squuid being dep free!