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I have just updated my #cljsrn example app repo Now using latest versions of about everything: shadow-cljs, React Native, re-frame, Reagent, Expo. Also fixed some README issues, and stopped Webpack from refreshing the web app on reload (as ClojureScript coders, that kind of lame state-killing refresh is not to our taste, right?) The demo video should still be reasonably valid:

👏 47
👋 3

Thanks to @U8MJBRSR5 for keeping me company while working with this. 😃

😄 3
Vincent Cantin19:08:12

From my perspective, you kept me company while I was working on my project :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:08:09

Clojure CLI is now available with many perf-related improvements: • Use default http-client in S3 transporter • Cache S3 transporter for a repo • Fixed session cache to work properly across threads / binding stacks for better perf • Replace specific maven version range requests with non-range request to reduce repo metadata lookups • Load and cache Maven settings once for perf • Cache version range resolution results for perf • Use 0.12.1019

🎉 48

I'm very pleased to announce my new website, a place to find developers and technologies. It's written in Clojure and uses public data from the Github API. Some fun Clojure facts include: • There are • The top rated Clojure developer in the world is • The top 5 Clojure repos are You may also be interested to know there are, creating between them The have the most developers, but there is who probably has the best view. Why not find your account today and see where you stand? Rankings are available per language and location. Hope you have fun using it, if you have any feedback it would be greatly received!

metal 50
🆒 3

Very cool!

☺️ 3

This is a very interesting project to investigate GitHub data. Thank you. It also highlights some limitations of the GitHub source data and it's interpretation. The 'top' Clojure library, Fira Code is arguably liked for being a font rather than a font conversion tool in Clojure. Although happy to be proved wrong 😁 I don't believe LightTable is very actively used these days, but it was a fascinating project of its time. I have very fond memory of it. I am curious to try it again. And it's interesting that ClojureScript is on the top 5 but not Clojure itself. I think the study of GitHub data and StackOverflow data sources do make for a fascinating journey into some basic data science and the challenges around data interpretation Thanks again.


There is a clear divide between libraries, where the end product is the code itself where the language matters (like e.g. ring) and products like FiraCode where the end product that people use and like is a binary and the language of the source is irrelevant. There is also an accumulative, accretive effect where people are unlikely to unstar a repo that they starred in the past. Repos will not peak and decline along with their popularity in terms of stars, but rather reach their peak and then stop growing. Any new rivals will likewise have to go through their entire product cycle to end up at a similar point! It's something I've considered to try to make it more zeitgeisty is to include contribution rates, rate of stars etc and I'll think about ways to approach that. I was wondering if I could generate a radar like thoughtworks/juxt based off this.


Yes partitioning by year would sound a bit more useful / reflective of reality e.g. in 2020 $some_repo might have grown by 100 stars (from 1000) and $other_repo by 200 (from 0). $other_repo would be 'hotter' than $some_repo, even while smaller in absolute terms

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:08:16

io.github.clojure/ {:git/tag "v0.1.8" :git/sha "38d2780"} is now available • write-file - TBUILD-15 - add :string option • write-pom - TBUILD-13 - add :scm options to write scm properties

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