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I have googled "tar.gz decompress args" for the last time, thanks to my little babashka script bunpack . If anyone else is tired of using google/their mind attic to remember how to unpack various file formats, it is available at

babashka 24
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Ben Sless07:03:19

Just when I finally remember the correct args?

bartuka12:03:46 is one of the first packages I install on clean linux distros. Nice to have a clj option now 🙂


I've used atool for a long time to do that, but there is another tool that has vastly improved my command line happiness in general and also addresses this case: tldr pages. tldr tar would give you a curated little list of the most common commands. I love it.


@UBSREKQ5Q dtrx looks like a good source for more features/formats to support, thanks for sharing that

🚀 3

I just released a new application template. This `Application template` helps you to quick start new application project using and This `Application template` provides: • project control via `Justfile` (see and scripting using; • environment variables control using `direnv` utility; • editor configuration via `.editorconfig` file; • configured `clj-kondo` linter; • configured `cljstyle` formatter; • run tests using This template will give you the following basic project workflow:

mike@mbp02 just
List of available recipes
Available recipes:
    build              # Build uberjar file (as an application)
    bump level='patch' # Bump version artifact in `version_id` file, level may be one of: major, minor, patch, alpha, beta, rc, release.
    clean              # Clean target folder
    default            # Help
    deploy             # Deploy uberjar file to remote repository (stub)
    format             # Format source code
    install            # Install uberjar locally (requires the pom.xml file)
    javac              # Compile java sources (if any)
    lint               # Lint source code
    outdated           # Check for outdated dependencies
    repl               # Run Clojure repl
    requirements       # Install project requirements (OS will be detected automatically)
    run                # Run application
    standalone         # Create a standalone application with bundled JDK (using jlink, JDK 9+)
    test               # Run tests

🎉 33

this looks neat!


See also newer version of library template