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> However, risk levels above `9` wrap back around to `1`.
@U0954HGDQ why do you wrap it back when n is equal to 9, not above?
(if (= n 9) 1 (inc n)))
Wat does (Character/digit n 10)
parses a char into an integer
user=> (Character/digit \9 10)
user=> (type \9)
user=> (type (Character/digit \9 10))
280ms / 9s, used ubergraph
I did Djikstra once, ain’t nobody got time to type that out all day.
I also assume input is a square, easy enough to change for rects.
Djikstra indeed! I’ve used which is a pretty nice way of using a priority queue in Clojure (~ 100ms / 2500ms)
Dijkstra here (with slow second part, 13s)!
I no longer have the time to try and factor nicely across parts, so ugly redefs will have to do:
... but it actually implements it in the code, instead of using it from a library (nothing wrong with that, I just felt like using the opportunity to have a refresher)
had a dijkstra function ready to go from previous years. 72ms/1.7s there goes my sub 1s total runtume (for the year) 😞 was fun while it lasted. 2.5s total now, 740ms before today
Wow my dijkstra takes 98 seconds on the second grid :(
@U01HY37QQUA? how? maybe wrong data structure implementation?
@U01HY37QQUA are you keeping track of all the paths you’re trying? I did that to help with debugging, but then ripped it out. Mine sped up from 17s to 4s.
Mhh maybe my implementation is very inefficient, it takes about 1 second on part 1
I'll try to clean it up and post it in a bit
I used A* (which isn't the best pick for topleft to bottom right, but okay), but it runs in ~1.2S for part1 and doesn't finish for part 2 :') 102ms for part 1 and <4s for part 2. That wraps it up 😬
@U01HY37QQUA if I had to guess… are you considering positions more than once? If you return to a position you’ve already seen, then you’re necessarily returning to it via a longer path than the first time, so you can ignore it.
this is my implementation
my first guess would be that sorting becomes expensive as tds
becomes bigger and bigger
i changed (first (sort-by val tds))
to (apply min-key val tds)
and got down to 15 s
I spent way too long trying to invent an algorithm for this… thanks to @U0124C56J5R for pointing me to Dijkstra’s. Toxic code:
Brute force, and probably not doing lazy sequences right because I can't fit part 2 in a heapsize under 50MB… 0.2s and 1.0s though!,
No, I have to take that back. I spaced on checking my second answer after I got the correct answer for the sample input. There are paths I don't consider at all.
Got it:, 115ms and 2.1s by a weighted flood fill.
Blech! Finally finished day 15 using dijkstra alg. My code is a mess, but I’m not gonna clean this one up anytime soon! Clever fellow that dijkstra!
I implemented Dijkstra first the naive way (no priority queue, 41+ secs on real input for part 1, no part2 result); then used
(370 msecs for part1), then used a Fibonacci Heap (252 msecs for part1, 10+ secs for part2). I kept track of all the paths throughout.
As an aside, I couldn’t find a Clojure implementation of a Fibonacci Heap, so I fetched a (mutable) Java impl. and hacked a wrapper around it. Does anyone know of a Clojure and/or persistent FibHeap impl?
Using the test data "NNCB" After 10 cycles of reactions, I get
{"CH" 21, "HH" 32, "BH" 81, "BN" 735, "NH" 27, "NB" 796, "HB" 26, "BC" 120, "CN" 102, "CC" 60, "BB" 812, "CB" 115, "HN" 27, "HC" 76, "NC" 42}
Can someone who has solved it tell me what the pair counts are after 10 iterations?When I try to solve, I'm counting the number of character and halving it. BUt I'm off by one on some
The last character in the template string.
Maybe just a sanity check: contrary to the examples, the min-risk path CAN include leftward and upward movements, right?
yes. people were posting example grids in the reddit thread that break the assumption that it’s only down and to the right. for example: <tel:1911191111|1911191111> <tel:1119111991|1119111991> <tel:9999999111|9999999111> <tel:9999911199|9999911199> <tel:9999119999|9999119999> <tel:9999199999|9999199999> <tel:9111199999|9111199999> <tel:9199999111|9199999111> <tel:9111911191|9111911191> <tel:9991119991|9991119991>
I’m stumped… were people able to write recursive memoized solutions? Or is a stateful cache necessary…?
my main logic is a loop and a priority-map. have you gotten any hints/spoilers about what algorithm others are using? (I don’t want to give too many hints unless you want them)
Have had no hints yet, but I’d appreciate any that come to mind 🙂 (at this point just hoping to avoid punting or reading the solution thread)
“priority-map” confuses me so I suspect my basically brute-force approach (to which I’m trying to add memoization and pruning) is very wrong…
most people are using Dijkstra’s algorithm (or A* though it didn’t help speed mine up at all)
my two hints for dijkstra: you don't need to track a path and you should stop after reaching the end
Wow, finally Took me a long time to reason that I could use a sorted map as a heapq like thing.
Day 14 is annoying me majorly. It works for the test data, gets the correct answer of 1588 after 10 cycles Wrong answer for real data. I re-write with a different approach. It works for the test data, gets the correct answer of 1588 after 10 cycles. Exactly the same wrong answer for the real data! Argh!
my string has the same character at the beginning and the end and it broke my first attempt
I end up with two chars that have an odd number of counts. One char is the same as the first char in the string, so I add 1 to that. Same with the last char in the string. THen I find the max and min, do max-min, and half that result.
My algo is, I only keep track of the number of each pairs, then on each react cycle I swap out the key with that pair (repeated n times, where n is the original keys value).
I remove everything before next cycle. I mean I build counts from the scratch every time.
Yeah, that's waht I'm doing too. My react method
(defn react [reactions v]
(reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
(let [freq (frequencies (flatten (repeat v (reactions k))))]
(merge-with + acc freq)))
where reactions is a map of reactions
{"CH" ["CB" "BH"], "HH" ["HN" "NH"], "BH" ["BH" "HH"] ...}
And v is a map of the current pair counts
{"NN" 1
"NC" 1
"CB" 1}
so there is something that happens after 10 cycles, that doesnt happen in the first 10 cycles for me!
After 20 my map looks like
{"CH" 10614, "HH" 10002, "BH" 20606, "BN" 965778, "NH" 6775, "NB" 983801, "HB" 13841, "BC" 36044, "CN" 31220, "CC" 18022, "BB" 986886, "CB" 24787, "HN" 6775, "HC" 17379, "NC" 13198}
sorry, I have the same result as you... I used the same var for my data and test data and acciedentally shadow one by another
{[\C \H] 10614, [\H \C] 17379, [\N \C] 13198, [\N \H] 6775, [\C \N] 31220, [\N \B] 983801, [\B \C] 36044, [\B \B] 986886, [\B \H] 20606, [\C \C] 18022, [\H \N] 6775, [\C \B] 24787, [\H \B] 13841, [\B \N] 965778, [\H \H] 10002}
you can try on my test data:
Is this a valid way of doing 10 cycles
(->> (partial react reactions)
(repeat 10)
(apply comp))
Then just call that with my starting map ?General question: has anyone tried used Clerk to do some visualizations on their AoC problems? I would like to see some use-cases.