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🧵Day 13 answers thread: post your answers here
this was a fun one..
(ns aoc21.day13
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s]))
;; part 1
(defn parse-fold [s]
(let [[_ var line] (re-matches #"fold along (.)=(\d+)" s)]
[(keyword var) (Integer/parseInt line)]))
(defn make-grid [dots]
(reduce (fn [g xy] (assoc g xy \X)) {} dots))
(defn input-data [filename]
(let [[dots folds] (s/split (slurp (io/resource filename)) #"\n\n")]
[(make-grid (partition 2 (map #(Integer/parseInt %) (re-seq #"\d+" dots))))
(map parse-fold (s/split-lines folds))]))
(defn fold-y [grid offset]
(into {} (map (fn [[[y x] _]] (cond (= x offset) nil
(< x offset) [[y x] \X]
(> x offset) [[y (- offset (- x offset))] \X]))
(defn fold-x [grid offset]
(into {} (map (fn [[[y x] _]] (cond (= y offset) nil
(< y offset) [[y x] \X]
(> y offset) [[(- offset (- y offset)) x] \X]))
(defn fold [grid [axis offset]]
(if (= axis :x)
(fold-x grid offset)
(fold-y grid offset)))
(defn soln-1 [filename]
(let [[grid folds] (input-data filename)]
(count (fold grid (first folds)))))
;; part 2
(defn dump-grid [grid]
(let [[max-y max-x] (reduce (fn [[my mx] [[y x] _]]
[(max my y) (max mx x)])
[0 0]
(doseq [x (range (inc max-x))]
(doseq [y (range (inc max-y))]
(print (get grid [y x] \.)))
(print "\n"))))
(defn soln-2 [filename]
(let [[grid folds] (input-data filename)
text (reduce (fn [g move] (fold g move)) grid folds)]
(dump-grid text)
(count text)))
I've enjoyed folding
I'm happy about my folding 🙂 not as much about my rendering :D
@U076FM90B I also enjoyed your solution, nice trick to avoid any if’s
the fold-one trick is from @U1EP3BZ3Q
parsing and drawing could be more concise but I'm fine with the folding in one line of specter
Nothing new to offer really, I originally did a map, but copied @U44SHEP4N’s specter since I’m a fan.
Bleh, not super happy with it. But it does work fine. On reflection, I made life difficult for myself by making the calculation for the post-fold coordinates based on the size of the paper, which meant I had to keep track of the size of the paper (since you can't determine it from the coordinates alone, though I didn't realize that at first)
@U1Z392WMQ you don't actually need the turn the transform result into a set. As long as the initial input is already a set. specter will keep types.
I liked this one too; printing the letters was very satisfying. day13 solution judging from if you want to avoid if...
message identical to others 😄 Just printing the board for part2 and reading it manually felt like kind of cheating but I guess that is what most of the people did 😄
in years past i considered doing an “OCR” on the text by comparing to a fingerprint, but he changes the letter size and font often so it’s not worth it.
Maybe one can generate an image and send it off to an OCR api :D
Pretty easy one today
(ns stuartstein777.2021.day13
(:require [stuartstein777.file :as f]
[stuartstein777.utils :as u]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(defn parse-coord [line]
(->> (str/split line #",")
(map #(Integer/parseInt %))))
(defn parse-folds [line]
(let [[xy n] (u/frest (re-seq #"fold along (x|y)=(\d+)" line))]
[xy (Integer/parseInt n)]))
(defn folder [xy n [x y]]
(cond (and (= xy "x") (> x n))
[(- n (Math/abs (- n x))) y]
(and (= xy "y") (> y n))
[x (- n (Math/abs (- n y)))]
[x y]))
(defn row->str [max-x row]
(let [xs (set (map first row))]
(map (fn [n] (if (xs n) "⭐" "⬛")) (range (inc max-x)))))
(defn print [coords]
(let [max-x (apply max (map first coords))]
(->> coords
(group-by #(second %))
(sort-by key)
(map (partial row->str max-x))
(map (partial apply str))
(str/join "\n")
(defn fold [coords [xy n]]
(map (partial folder xy n) coords))
(let [input (->> (slurp "puzzle-inputs/2021/day13")
coords (->> input
(take-while #(not= "" %))
(map parse-coord))
folds (->> input
(drop (inc (count coords)))
(map parse-folds)
#_(take 1))] ; uncomment to solve part 1
(->> (reduce fold coords folds)
#_count ; uncomment to solve part 1
Oh, i see from @U1EP3BZ3Q, I don't actually need the ((and (= xy "x") (> x n))
statements inside my cond in folder
! Nice
Great solution, @U89SBUQ4T. I enjoyed both how you parsed your data with partition
and especially with re-seq
, without splitting the lines. For the fold
function, your fold'
made the map
really clear. Thanks - I learned a lot from your tiny bit of code!, I was inspired by one of yesterday's posts to compose all the folds into one, though I didn't go as far as using a transducer.
Thanks @U01HHBJ56J1, that’s nice to hear! I only picked the partition idea up myself a few days ago from another solution 🙂. Normally I also approach things top-down.
The console is rotated 90deg? 😄