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I made a screencast making a game with Clojure and ClojureScript: hopefully it'll show how quick and fun it can be to use our language of choice.
totally awesome
Clojure + Zombies == Win
it is not a tutorial by any means - I'm moving at a brisk pace. It does show how quickly you can get stuff done with a powerful language tho.
"stuff" is vague too. That's fine - I'm not here to provide scientific proofs. I'm just here to entertain and hopefully inspire.
@cored: Well then, go ahead, one of the best papers I think on the topic of power or, better, the opposite and then come back and answer the question yourself 😉
@magnars: Have you played Zombies!!! the board game? It’s a great game
while I have quite the sizable boardgame collection, I haven't had a chance to play Zombies!!! yet. Thanks for the tip
@jonas: I think my favourite boardgame at the moment is Catacombs - which also features Zombies, but not as prominently.
The web design on is done by a friend. The pictures on the tiles is google image search tho.
Yes, was referring to the web / social presence stuff — your friend did a great job
Observing your workflow in those screencasts is very helpful to me, thanks for making them!
@magnars: awesome videos! some of the most fluid workflow i’ve seen, certainly inspire me to pimp and master my emacs further
one thing noticed in first video is the use of dissoc
in your lifecycle - that’ll actually downgrade to a regular map without the lifecycle
not a problem with how you’re using it, but probably better not to spread anti patterns - heard that stuart sierra shames antipatterns on his blog so a bad combination 😉
oh, that is excellent feedback - I'll add that to a clean-up episode for sure. Thanks! How should this be done then?
(assoc this :server nil
i think the idea is that there’s no guarantee that (dissoc k my-record)
won’t dissoc one of the record’s ‘core fields'
@andrewhr: Fields can’t be removed from a class so if a base field is disassociated from the record the data can’t be represented as such record anymore
@juhoteperi: makes pretty much sense... thanks!
you should buy 5 copies
why not 5?
@magnars: Nice workflow indeed. Are you using slamhound to add missing namespaces, or something else?
Seems like it's clj-refactor.el ... well, I'll stick with slamhound in my vim, which is awesome, but slower
@magnars: I wish you had filmed you keyboard while doing this
hehe, thanks for the kind words you should know it didn't go so smooth on the first attempt. I did all the coding for an episode in one take, so, well, I had to restart over a few times.
I was nearly able to implement resolve-missing using refactor-nrepl in Vim: Just needs a way to modify ns form